Dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Who continues to be my Guiding Light
“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
[Divine decree received 2010]
‘Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be changed from one form to another.
Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want,
And you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy;
This is physics’
[Albert Einstein]
Why these Writings?
On completion of the Labyrinth here at Jacaranda Haven in 2010, I walked it on my own for the first time and then stood – silent and empty- in the centre. A loud voice spoke telepathically to me:
“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
Sai Baba had gifted me a pen and vibhuti (sacred ash) whilst leaving Puttaparthi in 1999, renowned psychic Joan Moylan had told me in 1998 to write, and psychic Jennifer Starlight conveyed to me from Spirit in early 2022 that I was meant to write…but what ?
And then I realised that all I could write about to assist others on their paths was my own experiences, teachings and learnings in order to “…help others to remember that they are also children of God”. Hence these autobiographical writings…
This is but one ‘module’ in this collection of autobiographical writings that I choose to call ‘modules’. Each one stands alone, but some cross-reference others. A completed book is a static thing once finished: however, these modules are flexible in that I can add to them at any time should new experiences/information comes to hand, and the reader can pick & choose which particular modules attract them. The collection of modules thereby constitutes an’ anthology’.
The intent of writing these is to share experiences and teachings that I have been blessed with along the way of a human incarnation – the ascent of consciousness – such that the reader may also benefit to illumine their own path/ascent to the ultimate inevitable goal for all humans: that of ‘self-realisation’.
Belief vs Truth
As a precursor to reading any of these Modules, there is a need to clarify the difference between ‘Belief’ and ‘Truth’: one may ‘believe’ eg it is raining outside by the sound on the roof, but when you actually see the rain falling/walk out and get wet, you actually then ‘know’ it is so – ie it is ‘true’, and so ‘belief’ about that instantly ceases.
Many go through life accumulating fixed ‘beliefs’ about people/things, and, as Krishnamurti taught:”… the moment you arrive at a conclusion/form an opinion/a belief, you block the possibility of further enquiry and discovery”.
So, a hot air balloon called ‘Ascent’ awaits: I invite you to climb into its basket with me, throw overboard the ballast of all those accumulated ‘beliefs/opinions’ you have acquired to feel safe, and therefore allow this balloon to rise free and drift to destinations unknown.
Because, otherwise, some of what you read herein may sorely challenge your accumulated beliefs…
Everything recounted within the Anthology is absolutely true, unless I have qualified otherwise.
John Stephen Butterworth
Much has been written in recent decades about how to bring abundance into one’s life – with most emphasis probably on financial abundance, and many believing “…I’ll be happy when I have lots of money”… as if that is the main reason for a human incarnation…
What I wish to share in this Module are a couple of actual cases of ‘manifestation’ occurring wherein ‘financial abundance’ was not the focus.
The focus in both cases was the requested provision of material objects to assist the path of spiritual progress for many…
Some reading this may never have heard of ‘The Findhorn Foundation’ in Northern Scotland: just go on the Internet and search – there’s a much fuller explanation there.
The context for the present account started really when a lady called Eileen Caddy was standing in the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey in maybe the late 1950’s when a voice spoke out of nowhere to her saying:
“Be still and know that I am God!”
Thereafter, she received regular divine transmissions and much later, when she and her family plus friend Dorothy McLean had taken their caravan to the caravan park on the Findhorn Peninsula by Moray Firth in Scotland, she continued to do so to guide their spiritual mission.
As there were 6 of them (3 adults and 3 children) living in the large caravan, she had to go late night and sit in the amenities block for peace & privacy to receive and write down the divine guidance – even in the deep snows of a Northern Scotland winter.
Her husband Peter Caddy would then read the latest transmissions to the gathered members of their developing spiritual community the following afternoon.
They had all decided that there was a definite need for a dedicated meditation/prayer building (as all at that time were living in caravans or camping) and started to focus their praying for such. They thought that they had agreed exactly what it was to be/look like…but became increasingly frustrated when it did not manifest…
Then Eileen received divine guidance that ,in reality, individuals held differing images, and that, for the meditation sanctuary to manifest, they all needed to agree on EXACTLY what it was to be made of, dimensions, colours, windows, doors, soft furnishings, exact location and orientation etc etc. ie every possible detail. Otherwise it would not manifest…
So the group did just that…and, as a group, intensively focussed their prayers each day on that agreed form/design…
As it is well documented by others, a vehicle towing a loaded trailer pulled up at the caravan park entry shortly after unannounced – with the driver asking whether anyone could make use of a flatpack kit cedarwood cabin…
It was accepted gratefully, and when finally erected and fully finished, it exactly matched the concept that the group had been praying for…
[When Rosemary & I in 1994, then I again in 1995, stayed at Findhorn, I had the opportunity to join others in meditation/prayers in that very building which they called The Sanctuary. Sadly, an arsonist burnt it and the Community Centre down in April 2021.]
The Southern Cross Academy of Light
Moving ahead to 2003, following Rosemary’s extraordinary meeting with Archangel Michael in rainforest in Hawaii in 1992, Rosemary & I and others were running The Southern Cross Academy of Light in Sydney which was growing exponentially and needed to expand from the absurdly-cramped one room in our rented house to larger space. This, we realised, would require more office furniture – including a conference table, desks, chairs, filing cabinets etc etc.
On a holiday to New Zealand that year, she and I decided to try emulating the Findhorn experience.
We wrote out a detailed list of just what was needed and did ceremony before lighted candles 3 mornings in a row making the same declaration each time word for word in unison that, for the Academy to grow and continue delivering its services of promoting & supporting teachers and leaders in the ‘New Age’ movement to encourage others to commit to a spiritual path, there was a need for such and such furniture/equipment.
At the start of each session, we would call on divine assistance including Archangel Michael, Sai Baba, ascended masters, angels etc.
At completion of the 3rd morning’s prayers, we burnt the detailed list, and surrendered: “ Thy will be done”…
Several days later, we returned to Sydney…and a couple of days after that, the Academy office received a phone call from Nicole, a regular attendee at Academy gatherings.
She said that the large corporate group that she worked for were re-furbishing their extensive space in a high-rise office building in Sydney and had a range of office furniture & equipment to dispose of.
She asked whether the Academy could make use of any of it… Lily from the Academy office immediately drove into the City, inspected all that was on offer, and arranged a furniture removalist…
I arrived home that evening from my Council day job to be greeted by the following sight: the house we were renting at that time in Beacon Hill to both live in and house the Academy office had a double garage – the doors of which were always open by day. Normally, the garage had a workbench and sundry boxes etc lining each side & the back – leaving space to internally park 2 cars side-by-side.
I stopped in the short driveway stunned by the sight that greeted me: the garage was packed wall-to-wall, front to back, and floor to ceiling with carefully stacked office furniture & equipment.
I was then told by Rosemary that every single item that we had asked for in ceremony in NZ was there.
We lit a candle and offered up thanks …
Rosemary: Celebration of a Remarkable Life
In mid- 2023, I happened to see a short video about the work of a life coach. I immediately thought that such should be done for my wife Rosemary in order to inspire others to likewise lead a sacred life in faith/trust focussed on helping others and on God: in fact, I would largely do it, and call it:
‘Rosemary Butterworth: Celebration of a Remarkable Life’ – noting that I had never done anything remotely like this before!
I had already written modules in this present Anthology about both her life and Archangel Michael & The Southern Cross Academy of Light, we had lots of photos, a family member had gotten old Super 8 video film footage of her family life transposed to digital format, and her son had video & sound equipment. What was needed now was someone with a full film/video editing suite & skills…
So I wondered how that might come about…
The next monthly gathering here at ‘Jacaranda Haven’ was imminent and I sensed that there would be someone there who could fill this other role… the right brain kicked in and I speculated that it might be a friend who does graphic design for websites her partner builds (they built this present website) … but that didn’t quite ring true…
So there we all were at that next gathering here at Jacaranda Haven out in the NSW countryside – maybe about 15 or so of us, sitting in a circle – with a number of new guests. When it came to sharing time, I asked that we go around the circle introducing ourselves and a little about what we are involved in. When it came to a man in his early ‘30’s, he looked at me with twinkling eyes and said:
“My name is Sam and I’m a film director”(recently back from working in Canada).
“Do you happen to have a full editing suite?” I asked
“Oh yes, I do a lot of that”
Said I (all spine tingly) :” Can we have a chat over tea later?”
And indeed we did – during which I shared the concept of the documentary video about Rosemary’s life and the intent of producing such.
He immediately said that he would like to do it with me and that there would be no monetary charge, saying it would be a privilege and that there would be other ways in which his time & effort would be recompensed for – as yet unknown.
[I’ll leave you ,the reader, to reflect on the chances of an established film director with full digital video editing suite capacity just happening to turn up at our place out in the country, who spontaneously says he wants to do the documentary about Rosemary for no financial charge just when I am expressing the need for such… as if…
As Robin Miller (author/scribe of the ‘Jonathon’ books) wisely said to me in 1996 on our ‘chance’ 2nd ‘meeting’ in Sedona Arizona (following a 1st in Boulder Colorado some time earlier):
“There are no coincidences”. (see module ‘ 1996 – A Seminal Year’ elsewhere in this series).]
What is common to all these 3 happenings is that persons dedicated to leading a sacred life placed, from the heart , perceived needs before God/Spirit/Sai Baba/angels in complete faith/trust that their spiritual missions may proceed unhindered – and so, what was needed was promptly provided.
Post Script
I just remembered back in the early-mid 1990’s when Rosemary had need of a new pair of spectacles quoted at $300, which she didn’t have.
So she said she called on Spirit (Sai Baba/angels etc) declaring that there was a need for such (NOT “I need/I want) and wondering how and when this might come about – surrendering the need to Spirit…
A few hours later, she took a phone call from a lady who was wanting her to ‘channel’ a couple of the Ascended Masters for research she was conducting for a book; Rosemary did so …and was paid, you guessed it, $300.
Around 2005, the Academy office was operating out of the ground floor ‘rumpus room’ of a simple 2 storey weatherboard house we were renting in Killarney Heights Sydney. Simultaneously, an upstairs spare bedroom was being utilised as a treatment/healing room by visiting therapists, with our living area as ‘the waiting room’. So the stage is set…
Rosemary apparently was overheard from the downstairs office by a lady waiting upstairs expressing concern about how the next issue of the Academy’s free ‘Shining BRIGHT’ magazine was going to be paid for as there had been insufficient income from advertising…and somewhat tearfully, yet trustingly, wondered how this might come about
When Rosemary came upstairs next, the lady waiting said to Rosemary that she had heard of the wonderful work the Academy did and handed her a cheque as a donation…
The cheque was for $10,000…and was genuine…
The key to these stories is that the need was declared by someone dedicated to a sacred life impersonally ie not as a desire, but as a genuine need and offered up in total surrender to God.