Original artwork Debra Daya Netkin



Dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Who continues to be my Guiding Light

“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
[Divine decree received 2010]

‘Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be changed from one form to another.
Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want,
And you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy;
This is physics’

[Albert Einstein]

Why these Writings?

On completion of the Labyrinth here at Jacaranda Haven in 2010, I walked it on my own for the first time and then stood – silent and empty- in the centre. A loud voice spoke telepathically to me:

“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”

Sai Baba had gifted me a pen and vibhuti (sacred ash) whilst leaving Puttaparthi in 1999, renowned psychic Joan Moylan had told me in 1998 to write, and psychic Jennifer Starlight conveyed to me from Spirit in early 2022 that I was meant to write…but what ?

And then I realised that all I could write about to assist others on their paths was my own experiences, teachings and learnings in order  to “…help others to remember that they are also children of God”. Hence these autobiographical writings…


This is but one ‘module’ in this collection of autobiographical writings that I choose to call ‘modules’. Each one stands alone, but some cross-reference others. A completed book is a static thing once finished: however, these modules are flexible in that I can add to them at any time should new experiences/information comes to hand, and the reader can pick & choose which particular modules attract them. The collection of modules thereby constitutes an’ anthology’.

The intent of writing these is to share experiences and teachings that I have been blessed with along the way of a human incarnation – the ascent of consciousness – such that the reader may also benefit to illumine their own path/ascent to the ultimate inevitable goal for all humans: that of ‘self-realisation’.

Belief vs Truth

As a precursor to reading any of these Modules, there is a need to clarify the difference between ‘Belief’ and ‘Truth’: one may ‘believe’ eg it is raining outside by the sound on the roof, but when you actually see the rain falling/walk out and get wet, you actually then ‘know’ it is so – ie it is ‘true’, and so ‘belief’ about that instantly ceases.

Many go through life accumulating fixed ‘beliefs’ about people/things, and, as Krishnamurti taught:”… the moment you arrive at a conclusion/form an opinion/a belief, you block the possibility of further enquiry and discovery”.

So, a hot air balloon called ‘Ascent’ awaits: I invite you to climb into its basket with me, throw overboard the ballast of all those accumulated ‘beliefs/opinions’ you have acquired to feel safe, and therefore allow this balloon to rise free and drift to destinations unknown.

Because, otherwise, some of what you read herein may sorely challenge your accumulated beliefs…

Everything recounted within the Anthology is absolutely true, unless I have qualified otherwise.

John Stephen Butterworth


One of the most powerful and all-pervading facts of God’s creation is that of ‘sympathetic resonance’ or entrainment’.

This is where a stronger frequency ‘entrains’ weaker frequencies to vibrate in ‘sympathy’ with it. And whilst you may immediately think that such would only apply to sound, it is indeed all-pervading.


“All of Creation is energy in a state of vibration” explains the eminent British biologist Rupert Sheldrake in Jeff Volk’s marvelous documentary film ‘Of Sound Mind and Body’. He declares that it simply is.

In his wonderful book published in 1988 ‘The Healing Forces of Music: History, Theory and Practice’, Randall McLellan includes a ‘Part Scale of Cosmic Vibrations’ which tabulates categories of different ranges of frequencies and how humans have named them as eg‘Audible Sound’, perfumes, cosmic waves, Xrays, radio waves etc (noting that his book was obviously written before the advent of the digital age). This table clearly illustrates and exemplifies what Rupert Sheldrake explained as a scientist ie that ‘all of creation is energy in a state of vibration ‘. Hence there is an infinite range of frequencies in creation – a minute fraction of which we can perceive with our senses, and much that we can’t, whilst some more ‘sensitive’ humans such as my wife Rosemary (as naturally clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient) and some scientific instruments eg Geiger counters can detect others.

The atomic/molecular content of all matter and non-matter is hence in a state of constant vibration. This therefore also includes, not just sound, but thoughtforms.

But before we consider thoughtforms, let us first understand what is going on with ‘sympathetic resonance’ /’entrainment’ and how humans have employed this phenomenon at a physical level – both constructively and destructively.

The Therapeutic Potential of Resonant Instruments and the Human Voice

For thousands of years, sound has been used by many cultures for its therapeutic/healing qualities. It is recorded that it was used in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Tibet and Africa – to name but a few.

So how does sound therapy or ‘vibrational medecine’ (as some call it) work?

We are composed of many sympathetically-resonating vibrations or rhythms: 

when your body and whole being is in a naturally healthy condition, all your tissues, glands, bones and organs vibrate at their own individual normal frequencies.

In this state, we feel well, vital and ‘at ease’.

Pain, Discomfort, ‘Dis-ease’

When anything disturbs your natural state of health and well-being, such as stress, physical injury or inappropriate diet, your whole being or parts of it can be entrained/pulled out of those natural resonant frequencies into a state of dissonance causing pain or discomfort, or ’dis-ease’. My clairvoyant wife Rosemary sees the cells of such as grey in colour.

Intent to Get Better

In addition to ceasing that activity that caused such, you can also surrender (with a committed intent to get better/heal) to the power of resonant sound from resonant instruments such as Tibetan bells & bowls, and gongs and /or sustained human voice.

The critical factors here are that both the sound therapist and client need to be of the one mind to be empty so as to allow ‘healing’ to occur if it is appropriate at that time ( see comments below on ‘Healing’ from Connie Shaw).

That is, to allow the natural intelligence of the body (in a state of complete surrender) to be entrained back to a state of its normal healthy frequencies.

So what is ‘entrainment’ or ‘sympathetic resonance’ in everyday life?

Entrainment/Sympathetic Resonance

An everyday example of this is a truck passing by outside or a plane passing overhead causes the window panes to rattle. What is happening is that the truck/plane engine has produced a frequency (ie number of beats per second/herz) that is exactly a whole number multiple (harmonic) of those of the window panes and its greater amplitude (ie volume) causes the window panes to vibrate loudly – even visibly so. Increase that amplitude even further and the panes would break. And that is entrainment or sympathetic resonance in action.

The common Indian musical instruments –the sitar and the sarode – exploit this principle with their secondary sympathetically-resonating strings to produce a fuller musical effect. The operatic soprano who (unintentionally) shatters the wine glass or crystal chandelier with her sustained and powerful high note is demonstrating this basic law of physics.

Entrainment/sympathetic resonance is widely used in everyday medicine, therapy, defence and industry:

  • Eye surgeons worldwide use high-frequency sound to demolish cataracts: I have had cataracts removed from both eyes by this standard technique.
  • Physiotherapists use ultrasound to assist muscular injuries to heal faster: when I had a ‘tennis elbow’ injury once, the physiotherapist used a hand-held ultrasonic frequencies emitting device to treat it. Dr Sir Peter Guy Manners in the Vale of Evesham in the UK ran a ‘CymaTherapy’clinic as one of the fore-runners in the use of such technology for treatment of eg muscular injuries. (Worth researching on the Internet including ‘Cymatics’), and was a leading champion of the use of sound for healing.
  • Soldiers marching across a bridge have to break their rhythm lest the bridge break and are taught to do so even to this day, I have been told by an ex-serviceman. (this is a fascinating topic worth researching on the Internet including film of bridges self-destructing due to sympathetic resonance).
  • Royal Raymond Rife in the early 1900’s in USA used both sound and colour to shatter cancerous cells much to the displeasure of the medical establishment.
  • The Australian military were reported as using sonic weapons against citizens at Federal Parliament House in Canberra on the occasion of the Peace March on 12 February 2022 when an estimated 2 million + Australians peacefully marched protesting against mandatory injections and lockouts during the COVID pandemic. (See videos on Bitchute).(Notably NOT fully/accurately reported on mainstream media but significantly suppressed…but the politicians got the message: to keep their jobs at the imminent Federal election, they had to get rid of mandatory injections and lockouts- which happened).
  • When the occasion arises, I vocally ‘tone’ affected areas eg a stubbed toe of my wife once when bushwalking to ‘entrain’ the traumatised tissue & nerves back to a state of ease & comfort. I am currently each morning toning her right shoulder which has 2 torn tendons, bursitis and osteoarthritis: this is preceded by calling on Sai Baba, Archangel Raphael, Master Saint Germain and other entities to be present to bring their combined healing powers also to bear, and then thanking them afterwards in gratitude. Before starting toning, I invoke that I be a clear conduit for pure frequencies that will benefit her shoulder to the maximum. This is respectful spiritual protocol that should always be practiced. (See ‘Healing’ module in this series).

This principle occurs in other ways in everyday life eg it is well-known that women living/working together eventually all menstruate at the same time each month. My eldest daughter confirmed once that this was indeed so at the office she worked at.

Sonic Entrainment Personal Sound Therapy

Fully aware of the potential therapeutic effects of both vocal and instrumental sound delivered with pure intent, I started offering one-on-one sessions in 1996 in my dedicated sound healing room and produced an explanatory booklet (see photo) to hand out to actual and prospective clients. In a typical session, I would sit with eyes closed opposite the client and, having suitably invoked for the optimum outcome, would be open to spiritual guidance as the client explained what were/was their issue(s). The action might then have been eg to have them stand whilst I vocally scanned their energy field to clear any blockages and/or employ any  of the various exotic musical instruments. Quite often, I would ,without warning, ask them whether they had found themselves continually looking at one/more instrument – and then I would play it/them , as it may well have been the intelligence of their body knowing that such would be beneficial. In one case, the client started excitedly seeing a lucid/full colour replay of a previous life back in Egypt; in another, the client re-connected to being from Saturn (which experience Rosemary and I would later that evening have a different experience of). Then in early 1997, I became employed in a day job for the next 20+ years, and so such therapeutic practice became infrequent.

Sacred Sound Program

I also initiated a program in the early 1990’s I called ‘Sacred Sound‘ which typically would comprise a Friday evening Healing Meditation Circle followed by a weekend workshop in which the therapeutic and consciousness-expanding power of both vocal and instrumental sound would be explored with maximum hands-on involvement of the attendees. These I ran throughout Eastern Australia,New Zealand, Hong Kong and Scotland until the late 1990’s whereupon I ceased as I became fully occupied thereafter by a day job for the next 20+ years plus running the Academy plus building a house in the country etc.

Bathed In Sound

Not long after I acquired my large gongs, I was ‘given'(in the early 2000’s) the concept of a major sound/ meditation/healing event which I named ‘Bathed in Sound‘. I was shown that this was to comprise laying down an approx. 13 x 13m canvas sheet with the pattern of the Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth painted upon it on the floor of a large former church (The Grand Hall at Mosman in Sydney) and inviting attendees to meditatively walk the pattern (as Gregorian Monks had done so for at least 800 years at Chartres) accompanied by the alternating sounds of the Peace Choir (an improvisatory toning choir I had also formed) or eg shakuhachi or didgeridu. Lighting was subdued including large cylindrical block candles around the perimeter). Once the last person had finished walking the pattern,I would summon all present to lie radially on the canvas,face up, with heads pointing to the centre by sounding several strokes on my large Balinese gong. Myself and 3 other gong players would then stand at the 4 points of the compass on the perimeter and progressively produce a combined gongs climax.After a period of silence, I would then invite all to stand in a circle holding hands and lead them in singing ‘Peace,Peace,Peace’ – finishing with a series of OM’s.

These events were profound experiences for most attendees, and I ceased to run them once I got swept away by day work etc etc.

And a final anecdote demonstrating the power of entrainment:

I was told a fascinating story once by an attendee at one of my ‘Sacred Sound’ workshops whereby an immigrant lady from (I think Georgia?? In the former USSR) complained after living only a short time in Melbourne Australia  that she suddenly ceased to menstruate which she had done regularly for decades back home and hence been able to fall pregnant if she so chose to…: she was 81 years old. The point being that there is a dominant if not subconscious conditioning/belief thoughtform that women in Australia automatically go through menopause in their early 50’s… but more about ‘thoughtforms/conditionings’ shortly.

In a documented fun experiment years ago to further demonstrate the principle of entrainment, Izthak Bentov (Israeli/American scientist, inventor, mystic and author) arranged that a shop full of grandfather clocks had their pendulums set swinging at different rhythms late one day, the shop locked up, only to find them all swinging in exact unison the next morning ie all had to ‘entrain’ with the rhythm of the one with the most powerful rhythm energy (just like women living/working together begin to menstruate at the same time every month)… it’s simply a fact of God’s creation.

And one of the most ubiquitous examples of ‘entrainment’ in everyday life is simply that of tapping your foot /dancing/clapping your hands to music whereby the ‘persuasive’ rhythms entrain you consciously or unconsciously…

Running a Sacred Sound Workshop at ‘Karuna’ Buddhist Retreat ,Blue Mountains NSW in early 1990’s

Pity vs Compassion

In the module in this series entitled ‘Forgiveness’, the critical difference between ‘pity’ and ‘compassion’ is briefly explored. It is worthwhile to also share that clarification at this point:


Now that we have a clear understanding of how ‘entrainment’ works, we can now appreciate that when you ‘pity’ someone eg who is suffering physically/mentally/emotionally, you are lowering the frequencies of your consciousness to ‘entrain’ with the frequencies of theirs – which helps neither party, and you may well end up contracting the same condition as they. This is probably what ‘empaths’ have to live with ie those who just can’t help but entrain with other people/Mother Earth etc and suffer accordingly.

Also, see that ‘pity’ is seen by the culture of (at least) Western society to be the morally acceptable response to another suffering ie there is a very powerful but subtle thoughtform in consciousness that one should act in this manner…more about thoughtforms/conditioning shortly.


However, if you simply recognise that the suffering person/animal/entity/Mother Earth etc  have their own karmic path to work through – as each of us does( because that is the way that God made this Creation) – then you can lovingly, but detachedly, observe what is happening and send loving support by your intent/prayers/service. This, then, is true compassion. [And, to this end, I do encourage you to read the module in this series entitled ‘Healing’ to discover about the Tibetan practice of’tonglen’ – which is projecting healing intention from a basis of compassion (karuna)].


Whilst it is relatively easier to understand sympathetic resonance/entrainment by observing it through eg sound as a physical phenomenon that can be seen/heard, many would undoubtedly find it challenging to accept that it also applies to consciousness.

You may well have heard of ‘the 100 monkeys’ story whereby, in short, naturalists/scientists observed monkeys on an island north of Australia/in Indonesia taking tubers they had dug up to the water’s edge and washing them clean before eating them. They also observed that monkeys on other islands well away from that first island almost simultaneously commenced the same practice and had to conclude there must be some connection at a consciousness level – as none of them could have physically seen the original monkeys doing so.

The eminent British biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake has given the name ‘morphic resonance’ to this phenomenon, speaks of ‘morphogenetic fields’ and writes (in part) as following in ‘Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields-an Introduction’:

“…I propose that memory is inherent in nature. Most of the so-called laws of nature are more like habits…”

“…I propose that (morphogenetic fields) are transmitted from past members of the species through a kind of non-local resonance”…

“..each individual both draws upon and contributes to the collective memory of the species. This means that new patterns of behaviour can spread more rapidly than would otherwise be possible. For example, if rats of a particular breed learn a new trick at Harvard, then rats of that breed should be able to learn that trick all over the world…there is already laboratory evidence… that this actually happens”.

“the morphic fields of social groups connect together members of the group even when they are many miles apart, and provide channels of communication through which organisms can stay in touch at a distance.”

He briefly exemplifies how this explains telepathic communication between humans and other creatures.

He concludes in part:

“ The morphic fields of mental activity are not confined to the inside of our heads. They extend far beyond our brain though intention and attention”.

With all this in mind, that leads us to consider the potential power of the collective consciousness of a ‘critical mass’ of people and how, firstly, that might have originated, and, secondly, how it can then spread to affect/influence many others.

The scene is a school playground where 2 boys get into a disagreement and start physically fighting. Others gather around and someone starts chanting: ”Fight! Fight! Fight!”  Very quickly, the crowd swells and , entrained by its strong energy, joins in the aggressive chant spurring the combatants on… until a teacher arrives to break it up and dispel the crowd…

Trivial, you say? So what?

This is exactly the sequence of events that occurs with eg riots at soccer matches (one such riot overseas (?Indonesia) just recently killed, I think, some 165 people), with civil uprisings, and is the very same energy that propels football fans around the world – as fans allow themselves to be entrained by the mob excitement, which sadly can also sometimes lead to such disasters…

As I write, there is media coverage about the soccer World Cup which, now in 2022, has just been won in Qatar by Argentina. There was film footage of hundreds of thousands, Press says millions, of deliriously happy citizens all dressed in the pale blue and white football team colours going berserk with joy in the streets throughout the country…

And yet, to get fired up about eg a football match, is considered in many societies normal/expected behaviour in order to be accepted as one of the tribe… and the converse is also so, if one does not entrain with the others…

Last year, the world witnessed a mob assault on the Capitol Building in Washington DC in the USA which was a very large civil uprising…the law enforcement authorities are (mainstream media report) currently going through a process of trying to identify the ‘ring leaders’ – as one/more people were the initiators/the sparks that lit the flame of that civil uprising…ie were the strong energy frequency generators that entrained the rest of the protestors…

But such events do not necessarily have to be out of control and potentially/actually violent: consider the march by Australian citizens on Parliament House in Canberra on 12 February 2022 when an estimated 2+million peacefully gathered to let the Federal politicians know in advance of the imminent Federal election that mandatory injections and lockouts were no longer going to be accepted by the populace – indeed democracy in action. Not that mainstream media were allowed to fully report it as it would have been politically devastating…(As above, see videos on eg Bitchute).

Whilst many would dismiss rioting at eg a football match , or national celebrations as not something of any particular significance, the same entrainment phenomenon can be observed with any political ‘barnstorming’ leading up to an election whereby candidates and their backroom teams actively generate energy to entrain people to vote for them with charismatic speeches promising the world if you vote for them, and extraordinary amounts of money expended their campaigns …

As an extreme example of how such a methodology can get out of control with devastating effects was that of Adolf Hitler whereby his powerful rhetoric and charisma entrained vast numbers of German citizens (especially young men) to join him in a program to cleanse the world of Jewish people, to create a new empire and embark on war with all those opposing such. All of which lead to the murder of at least an estimated 6 million Jews simply for being born Jewish, the death and injury of vast numbers of other human beings(citizens and servicemen and women) and extensive destruction of built infrastructure etc. in the ensuing war.

On A Happier Note

However, the phenomenon of entrainment can also have powerful beneficial effects if properly directed – that is, if directed to advancing the welfare physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for all.

Just as the perverse intentions of Hitler entrained many leading into and during WW2, there have historically also been equally powerful leaders intent on the highest good of humanity – remarkable beings such as Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King (to name but a handful) who by the power of their actions/oratory/intent/charisma entrained and inspired millions to work for the common good of humanity – regardless of nationality/race/creed/colour of skin.

Sathya Sai Baba has done likewise (and continues to do so) focusing on the spiritual advancement of humanity, education, nutrition and healthcare –continuing to influence the lifepaths of millions, including myself. (See module entitled ’Sai Baba’).

He taught that it starts with the individual, as encapsulated in the following famous quote from Him:

“If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character;
When there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home;
When there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation;
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”

As we progress further into the Sathya Yuga (The Era of Truth) (following the end of the Kali Yuga in July 2014; the Sathya Yuga started on 27.7.2014), more and more people around the world are becoming more aware and sensitive – attending not only to their physical wellbeing on a level probably never seen before – with greater awareness and responsibility about diet and exercise, but also to the quality of their personal lives and spiritual progress.

The Kali Yuga in Hinduism was seen as “…the worst of the (cycle of) four Yugas (world ages) …full of conflict and sin… with ‘Kali’ meaning strife, discord, quarrel or contention, and the Kali Yuga is associated with the demon Kali (but NOT the goddess Kali).

In contrast, the age we have now entered is called by some ‘The Golden Age’“…an age of truth, when humanity is governed by gods and every manifestation or work is close to the purest ideal and humanity will allow intrinsic goodness to reign supreme’(Source: Wikipedia).

And so we come inevitably to the term ‘…critical mass’

As Sai Baba has pointed out, the ‘change’ to the current world situation of over-population, pollution, disease, starvation, warfare,……….has to start from the pure intent of the individual.

With the understanding now of  how ‘entrainment’ works, we can see how then an ever-increasing critical mass of humans focused on loving service to others and on God, can, and inevitably will, bring about the full blooming of that ‘Golden Age’.

I conclude this module with a prayer from a friend’s recent Christmas card so wonderfully encapsulating this intent:

“I pray that the Christ consciousness will flood our beautiful Earth and all sentient beings”.