Original artwork Debra Daya Netkin



Dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Who continues to be my Guiding Light

“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
[Divine decree received 2010]

‘Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be changed from one form to another.
Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want,
And you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy;
This is physics’

[Albert Einstein]

Why these Writings?

On completion of the Labyrinth here at Jacaranda Haven in 2010, I walked it on my own for the first time and then stood – silent and empty- in the centre. A loud voice spoke telepathically to me:

“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”

Sai Baba had gifted me a pen and vibhuti (sacred ash) whilst leaving Puttaparthi in 1999, renowned psychic Joan Moylan had told me in 1998 to write, and psychic Jennifer Starlight conveyed to me from Spirit in early 2022 that I was meant to write…but what ?

And then I realised that all I could write about to assist others on their paths was my own experiences, teachings and learnings in order  to “…help others to remember that they are also children of God”. Hence these autobiographical writings…


This is but one ‘module’ in this collection of autobiographical writings that I choose to call ‘modules’. Each one stands alone, but some cross-reference others. A completed book is a static thing once finished: however, these modules are flexible in that I can add to them at any time should new experiences/information comes to hand, and the reader can pick & choose which particular modules attract them. The collection of modules thereby constitutes an’ anthology’.

The intent of writing these is to share experiences and teachings that I have been blessed with along the way of a human incarnation – the ascent of consciousness – such that the reader may also benefit to illumine their own path/ascent to the ultimate inevitable goal for all humans: that of ‘self-realisation’.

Belief vs Truth

As a precursor to reading any of these Modules, there is a need to clarify the difference between ‘Belief’ and ‘Truth’: one may ‘believe’ eg it is raining outside by the sound on the roof, but when you actually see the rain falling/walk out and get wet, you actually then ‘know’ it is so – ie it is ‘true’, and so ‘belief’ about that instantly ceases.

Many go through life accumulating fixed ‘beliefs’ about people/things, and, as Krishnamurti taught:”… the moment you arrive at a conclusion/form an opinion/a belief, you block the possibility of further enquiry and discovery”.

So, a hot air balloon called ‘Ascent’ awaits: I invite you to climb into its basket with me, throw overboard the ballast of all those accumulated ‘beliefs/opinions’ you have acquired to feel safe, and therefore allow this balloon to rise free and drift to destinations unknown.

Because, otherwise, some of what you read herein may sorely challenge your accumulated beliefs…

Everything recounted within the Anthology is absolutely true, unless I have qualified otherwise.

John Stephen Butterworth


In ‘There is Only One Universal Consciousness: I Am That One’ (Vols 1,2 & 3) dictated by Sai Baba (in His ‘lightbody’) via Irene Margaret Watson in 2018, He declares unequivocally that “…all Earthly Beings are not ‘originally’ from Earth… you originally came from other Solar and Planetary systems, some of which you still know nothing or very little about” (Vol 3 Higher Consciousness pp 116-7).

And He continues:
“Earth is, let us say ‘manufactured’ to allow you all the necessary time to live life here in your Earthly Existence and allow you to experience Materialism, Power and Control – AT ITS WORST! The extremes of Wealth and Poverty, and all that means and includes… Hopefully, … (you will come to question):
And then He goes on to challenge each of us as to what extent do we practice unconditional love, prayers and service to others and had earlier declared (In Vols 1 & 2) that He was “…far from happy with the majority…(for) their lack of Love and Service for others”.

‘Them’ and ‘Us’

In light of this revelation from Him that we are all of extra-terrestrial origin, it is obviously high time we intellectually ‘matured’ and stepped away from the illusory fantasies of the media/Hollywood of ‘them’ vs ‘us’ (and certainly of the quite inappropriate term ‘alien’) – whilst recognizing that there may well be nevertheless beings/forces in this Universe that are inimical in intent – just as, sadly, there is on Earth.
Hence that we need to be constantly vigilant and discerning as to what we attract to ourselves by our intentions/motives/thoughts…noting that it is claimed that some entities are devoid of feelings, others possibly are of lower intelligence? Who knows?

The Universe: A Reality Check for those inclined towards Anthropocentrism

In about 1989, I was in Coonabarrabran in NW New South Wales offering the Council/Chamber of Commerce my landscape architectural design office’s consulting services to work with them to upgrade the town centre aesthetically and functionally – as we had done/continued to do for a number of NSW country town centres.

My then-partner and I were invited to go one night up to nearby The Siding Springs Observatory where we were hosted by a senior research astronomer. Driving up the hill on the final approaches to there was fascinating as you had to switch off your car headlights and just follow a line of tiny lights set along the centre line of the road. (For the same reason, all street lights back in the town are fitted with hoods to prevent light shining upwards).

He took us into the main observatory where he allowed us to view Saturn and its rings via the large optical telescope – fabulous! An extraordinary privilege! He then took us downstairs into a large room where there was a large light table standing in the centre on which were scattered numerous sheets of clear plastic – each 30cm/12” square…Clear? or so I initially thought.

Our guide handed us magnifying glasses, switched on the light table’s underlighting, and invited us to make a closer examination of the sheets. I saw clusters of tiny black dots scattered across the sheet- in fact, he said, thousands on each sheet.

He explained that what we were looking at were ‘reverse’ negative photos of the night sky that they took regularly and that each covered a small part of the sky – with all the many hundreds of them joining together to cover the whole sky… (Hence, if they had been traditional negatives, they would have been black with clusters of little white dots…)
I asked him what each tiny cluster of dots was:
“Oh, that’s a galaxy”…” and on each sheet, there are innumerable other galaxies”!
“Hence, there are billions of galaxies”.

We were understandably stunned by this revelation of the sheer, inconceivable scale of the Universe – billions upon billions of galaxies – of which Earth is in just one. (Google suggests 100-200 billion in total).

Very sobering! And I remain eternally grateful for what I was shown that evening!

And very much a reality check for those of an anthropocentric bent…

Indeed, how could we not be alone in the Universe/Omniverse…

A Further Sobering Reality Check

In 1969, a Scottish landscape architect Ian McHarg wrote a book called ‘Design With Nature’ – which I can strongly recommend others to read.

To quote one brief review:

“…The first book to describe an ecologically sound approach to the planning and design of communities, ‘Design With Nature’ has done much (…ever since) to shape public environmental policy”.

As student of landscape architecture in the early 1970’s, I avidly read this book – as did all peers/students/practitioners worldwide. (McHarg went on to become department founder, and then Professor in Landscape Architecture at Pennsylvania University USA).

In it, he documents examples of disastrous land use eg homes built on sand dunes that were washed away in predictable storms only to be foolishly re-built, and then washed away again etc. We periodically witness this occurring along the Eastern Coast of Australia, south of the Great Barrier Reef.

Here in Northern NSW in Australia, the town of Lismore has experienced disastrous flooding time and time again – especially in recent times (2021/22) – to the extent that I hear that the Government was attempting a ‘buy-back’ system to assist families to move home to higher ground (I first visited Lismore about 60 years ago and remember well being shown the flood levels of earlier floods marked on the wall of a hotel…and 60 years later, it still keeps happening).

Incidents such as these do not impress one as to humanity being a species of outstanding/superior/high intelligence – which is what anthropocentrism would have one believe…

Nor all the other abuse of both Mother Nature and humanity wreaked by humans: pollution of earth, air and waters, warfare, torture, over-population, traffic, rapid extinction of species…need I expand? We are ALL quite aware of this catastrophe – even though many/most choose to ignore it and continue to perpetuate its terrible toll…

Is this truly caring for this exquisite Planet Earth? And for each other?

One of the all-time great architects, Australian Glenn Murcutt years ago coined the term; “Tread lightly on the Earth” …but in the planning of new residential/commercial/industrial development, how often is this achieved?

In Australia, the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has a motto encouraging the visiting public:
“Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints”.

And as a further blow to ‘anthropocentrism’

In ’Design With Nature’, Ian McHarg also revealed that it is apparently a scientific fact that the ecology of the world’s natural systems has NO NEED whatsoever for humans: the natural systems of the planet would function in perfect balance without humanity at all…and yet, rather than ‘…treading lightly on the Earth’ and performing a role as caring, gentle and admiring visitors and guardians, the planet continues to be abused, raped, pillaged, polluted by those motivated by greed and power.

The Purpose of Human Life

So what makes ‘human life’ particularly special ?

Quite simply, it is said that only in a human body can one attain liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth/death and re-birth, and full self-realisation – the ‘Brahmic Bliss and splendour’ that deep down, it is said that every human being truly craves. As long as we continue to live a self-centred/selfish existence, we continue to generate challenging karma that has to be then worked through whereas living a life focused on God, of being of loving service to others and Mother Earth generates propitious karma , thereby
incidentally expediting that journey, but never as the motive – as that would obviously constitute a selfish intent, and not a self-less one.

We are ‘Not Alone…’

I now wish to step into a realm of pure speculation as to ‘why’ other beings/entities/intelligences would wish to ‘visit’ our planet – remembering all the time that Sai Baba has pointed out that we have all come from elsewhere.

So here goes:

  1. This planet is astonishingly beautiful in every respect and may well be unique in Creation…
  2. It is said that liberation (moksha) can only be attained in a human body, and that it is a great
    privilege to have a human incarnation…
  3. Some may be drawn to visit Earth with dubious motives that do not come from unconditional love
    – perhaps wishing to exploit/acquire/control etc…
  4. Due to the ongoing threat of the misuse of eg nuclear power that can have catastrophic effects for
    both the planet and inhabitants, some claim that there continues to be watchful monitoring by a/the
    ‘Galactic Federation’ to ensure balance is maintained. In this regard, reference is sometimes made
    to ‘The Ashtar Command’ said to be under the leadership of a Lord Ashtar.

On 26.11.1977, a Southern Television broadcast in England was suddenly interrupted by a 6 minutes message :
“…a voice claiming to represent the ‘Ashtar Galactic Command’ delivering a message instructing humanity to abandon its weapons so it could participate in a ‘future awakening’ and ‘achieve a higher state of evolution’.” (Wikipedia)

Keeping in mind that these writings constitute together an autobiographical spiritual anthology, I will now share some experiences/meetings/events that I have personally been involved/had contact with. They are presented in no particular order.

I Just Want To Go Home

About 1991/2, I was invited a couple of times by a lady who worked with crystals to have a session with her. Each time, she approached me after a ‘channelling’ group evening as though she knew something that I should experience. I didn’t sense at all that she was just trying to drum up work…

So I finally agreed and on arrival, was shown into a room decorated with beautiful drapes/mirrors/crystals/soft mood music with a massage table set up in the centre standing on a deep pile rug. She left the room asking me to strip down to just my underpants and then to lie supine/face up on the table to await her return.

She re-entered and told me to close my eyes. She then commenced to lay various crystals/stones upon my bare torso in differing locations and finally said she was complete. Perhaps she then sat to one side and left us both to just meditate: I don’t recall exactly.

“Would you like to view yourself?” she finally asked. In response to my agreement, she handed me a long-handled hand mirror – the type that a woman would use at her dressing table.

I held it aloft and opened my eyes.

I beheld a beautiful being with sacred geometric patterns of crystals set out on its naked torso, and start to involuntarily convulse and sob: ”I want to go home!! I just want to go home!!” over and over – with the convulsions so great that some of the crystals were ejected off me down onto that deep-pile rug (In retrospect, obviously why it was there!).

It was all very distressing at a soul level, and the memory of that experience remains vivid to this day some 32 or so years later.

So Who Am I and Where Do I Come From?

I have been occasionally told by mediums/trance channels over the years that I have had various previous human incarnations eg as a Tibetan Buddhist monk, as a Native American (7-9 lives in different tribes), as an Australian Aboriginal/First Nations person (especially on the land where I currently live), as a jailor in Atlantis, and later, as an alchemist etc etc.

However, prior to all that, where did I come from?

In truth, I do not know fully, and my sense is that we are not meant to know anything/too much about previous incarnations as it could prove too much of a distraction from living fully in the present, plus potentially lead to egotistical speculations.

It also can be very distressing – as I indeed experienced first hand in the crystal session described above – leaving one with a powerful heartfelt yearning/nostalgia.

The closest I have found out so far about my original trip to Earth is as part of what is described in the late Valerie Barrow’s book ‘Alcheringa’ which I’ll come back to later.

Extraterrestrial Experiences

I have had sightings, met some very ’interesting’ people, heard of other’s sightings/experiences, and had lucid dreams. Remembering that this is an autobiographical account, I shall mostly limit what I share below to such.

In the late 1980’s, my then-partner and I tried living briefly in the NSW South Coast town of Kiama. As a part-time musician (double-, and electric bass), I got some casual jobs, and then I was invited to play a concert with an amateur big band at The Kiama Jazz Festival one year. I was befriended by one of the brass players, a very pleasant man, (who maybe had’ checked me out’ energetically) and got invited to his place one afternoon.

Having had afternoon tea, he invited my partner and I into his study where we were amazed to discover the entire back wall covered in book shelving packed with books about (you guessed it) extraterrestrial information: contact experiences/photos etc etc. And then his story as to what started it all came out… He recounted how he had been in the brass section (trumpets & trombones) of the orchestra at The Silver Spade Room of The Chevron Hilton Hotel in Kings Cross in Sydney for a period of its existence (1960-85)
backing all the famous entertainers from overseas.

Sometimes after they finished work, three of the brass section would drive at high speed north to Brooklyn on The Hawkesbury River where they would jump into a small boat and motor at high speed out into the upper reaches of the River to fish in the early hours of the morning.

He recalled that one night, as they fished silently in almost total darkness, a very large circular spacecraft dropped swiftly down to stop just above them illuminating them in intensely bright light. He said that, whilst one/both of his companions were too terrified to look up with one swearing out of his fear, he was irresistibly drawn to look up – despite the intense light. Then, after a brief spell, it suddenly shot up vertically and disappeared at immense speed into the night darkness.

And from that time forwards, he had an insatiable hunger to learn more, read & study, and would occasionally give public lectures. The ‘contact’ had obviously awoken past memories…

I now realise that I was meant to be there that afternoon to hear all of this to awaken in me also a thirst for further knowledge…

That ‘thirst’ also led my then-partner and myself to attend a ‘UFO Symposium’ held at a hotel in Kings Cross around 1990 which comprised lectures, static and video exhibits, book sales etc. There were also ancillary activities including a lady by the name of Esther Crowley who was drawing ‘channelled’ spirit guide portraits in pastels. We got talking as she was packing up and discovered she lived near us in Mosman so offered her a ride home. She then invited us to attend a regular Thursday evening gathering
studying J.J. Hurtak’s ‘The Keys of Enoch’ at their apartment which we did several times and at which I first met my current wife Rosemary (see module ‘Rosemary).

Whilst on that subject, Rosemary and I (while still only friends) took a trip to Wilpena Pound in South Australia a couple of years later, and then had a weekend in Adelaide before flying back to Sydney.

In the module ‘Rosemary’, I describe how we were invited on the Saturday afternoon to a suburban home where (we realised later) the hostess obviously ‘checked out’ Rosemary energetically, then made a phone call which resulted in another man arriving wearing thick spectacles, loose T shirt and jeans. He proceeded to lead us to the loungeroom, sit us in a circle, then launched into profound energy dialogue culminating in ordering Rosemary to kneel before him, giving her an extremely heavy invisible ‘ball of energy’ which he ordered her to shuffle on her knees around the circle offering it to each of us. He also curtly stated at one point that I “…had been a very bad boy in Atlantis”. Then he abruptly left.

Just what it was all about we still don’t know to this day except that, the next morning, whilst I was driving through Adelaide city centre preoccupied jointly by where we were meant to be going and by an increasingly alarming noise from the hire car’s engine, I was suddenly ‘told telepathically’ that the man from the previous afternoon:”… was an extraterrestrial “ and announced the same out loud to Rosemary.

(Understanding that, at that stage, we did not know that ALL humans are of extraterrestrial origin – and did not learn such until about 2020 from Sai Baba when first reading Irene Margaret Watson’s 3 volume ‘There Is Only One Universal Consciousness: I Am That One’).

Another ‘out there’ experience I wish to share occurred when we had just moved permanently from Sydney to our farm on the NSW Lower MidNorth Coast hinterland, and decided to sell Rosemary’s aging Toyota Corolla in late 2017 so as to buy something newer.

We listed the car on ‘Gumtree’ (like Ebay) and received a couple of enquiries, then a phone call from Scotland (naturally!! Where else ?) from a man wishing to buy it. He calmly explained that he was flying back to Australia in a couple of days and needed the car to then drive back home to Alice Springs.  He offered a purchase price which Rosemary accepted in principal, and then put $500 into her bank account whilst on the phone – at which stage, we naturally accepted that he was 100% genuine…oh, and when he arrived at Taree Station in a couple of days at x time, could we be kind enough to meet him to be given the outstanding $ balance for the vehicle, and driven to our place to collect it…? Certainly, we said.

And, sure enough, at the appointed time two days later, a broad-shouldered handsome man in his early 30’s skipped off the train at Taree Station and came straight up to us even though he’d never seen us (but then there weren’t many other people waiting).

Now he appeared fresh as a daisy… which was interesting in consideration of the fact he had been traveling continually for at least 2 days from the Scottish Cairngorms down to Inverness, thence by train/plane to Heathrow, thence by plane to Sydney where he just disembarked and walked downstairs onto a train to Central Station where he boarded the train to Taree…

I offered to help him with his luggage. He just smiled and pointed to a small, slim backpack indicating that was all the luggage he had… having just returned from quite some time (5 months we were told) in alpine Scotland… curious.

We got into our car and headed for his nominated bank branch in Taree where I double-parked whilst he skipped inside and then leaped back into the car – handing over $50 notes for the balance owing to Rosemary from the back seat as I drove us home.

As I drove, he explained that, after graduating from university in York UK (don’t know what course), he had been working temporarily at a beachside café near us (when it was the down season for his tourism business in Central Australia (ie the heat of mid-Summer probably), when he received a panic call from his mother. His parents had ski-cabins in the remote Scottish alpine snowfields and his father was doing some repairs. He left a slogging hammer on top of a stepladder while he went for a tea break, then forgot it was there when he returned and moved the ladder. The very heavy hammer fell, hitting him on the head and causing severe injury requiring hospitalization. So the son had to fly urgently back to Scotland and ended up staying 5 months assisting where he could.

He now had to get back to his tourism business based out of Alice Springs and intended to drive Rosemary’s car there. We shared lunch, then sat together at the table (he and I side by side) for us all to complete the required handover paperwork – during which I started to develop a pounding/head-splitting headache.

Then we went outside, gave him the keys, and wished him well as he drove away – all the time with my splitting headache…then a voice spoke clearly to me telepathically, almost apologetically:
“He is from Andromeda”…and I realised that his energy field and mine were definitely NOT compatible (wherever I’m originally from).

[PostScript: He subsequently reported by a number of texts to Rosemary en route that he spent a night with local friends in Forster near us getting over his flight, collected some clothing/belongings, then drove virtually non-stop to Alice Springs (2,907km) – sending us a photo of the car at Coober Pedy, then finally that he arrived exhausted in Alice no more than 48 hours after leaving(Friday morning to Saturday night) – saying :”…I think the car survived the trip better than I did”. Extraordinary stamina! Very interesting! And also the fact that he was ‘stationed’/chose to be in Central Australia…it was all quite ‘super-human’ of him, and somewhat surreal for us.]


At this point, I’ll share a couple of lucid dreams I had around the late 1980’s/early 1990’s.

As a brief predecessor, I had experienced a series of dreams in which I was given numbers – sometimes specific sets of numbers that I would clearly remember on waking – and then try to understand their significance. A couple that looked like phone numbers I bravely called …which was very tricky, needless to say. The first ended which the phone being slammed down, but the second was a girl whose mother was somewhat clairvoyant and she agreed to have dinner with my then-partner and myself. However, nothing
significant occurred. There were other dreams where I was instructed to research all about the number ‘9’ and also ‘8’…

There was the ‘dream’ where I was in suburban/city streets and a man was going berserk shooting people at random: it was totally real and terrifying. I awoke shaking and went downstairs to tell my mother what had happened: she stared at me in disbelief, then said she had just listened to the 8am radio news and had heard of exactly that same event occurring in Clifton Hill, Melbourne that previous night: it came to be called ‘The Hoddle Street Massacre’ that occurred on Sunday 9th August 1987 resulting in 7 deaths and 19 injured.

I realised that I had been there in my ‘light’ or ‘etheric’body’…

So, to lucid extraterrestrial ‘dreams’ of which I remember 2 clearly.

In one, I was standing in the country on cleared land with a scattering of tall trees and there was a huge spacecraft that was starting to rise up from the ground in front of me. It was the same shape as the one in the photo on the inside flap of Valerie Barrow’s book :’The Book of Love’ that I had taken on that momentous occasion at her property ‘Alcheringa’ on the afternoon of 4 September 1994. The craft was circular in plan view, silver in colour and with a domed top.(Sai Baba blessed this book when Valerie took it to Him).

In the other ‘dream’, I saw a craft coming across the landscape in the country at very low altitude and at high speed from left to right rapidly losing altitude and obviously in trouble. As it finally contacted the ground, there was much smoke and dust and fragments flew everywhere. I clearly remember walking around seeing remnant fragments but no bodies/beings.

The Rexagina

Having been connected with Valerie Barrow by Sai Baba in early 1994 (refer module: ’Sai Baba’), I and my partner (now wife) Rosemary started to spend more time with her and her husband John – often at their property ’Alcheringa’ on the NSW Southern Highlands. Many of us had by this time been to visit the ‘glyphs’(rockface incisions/carvings) at Kariong on the NSW Central Coast – said to have been left by beings from a remarkable visitation about 900,000 years ago.

But before I go more into that, let me first share how we all first got to visit the Kariong site. In the early 1990’s, there was a regular gathering in the southern suburbs of Sydney at which a man would ‘channel’ various beings/entities (this was where I first met Valerie via her emerald & gold ring that Sai Baba had manifested for her: see ‘Sai Baba’ module).

One evening after the channeling, a man called Len was showing a few of us some colour print photos of the Kariong glyphs which were fascinating. Unbeknownst to me, the following series of events occurred in following days.

One of the ladies who had seen the photos called Rosemary and suggested that they and another lady friend should try to find the glyphs and see for themselves. So, on the following Sunday morning, they picked R. up from her home in North Sydney and started driving. What is reported as ensuing is frankly astonishing (and incidentally a tribute to Rosemary’s psychic abilities, pure trust with pure intent, plus the guidance of Spirit).

As they headed north up the freeway from Sydney, they realised they actually had no idea had to find the glyphs and all turned to Rosemary (as clairvoyant/clairsentient/clairaudient) and said where do we go next? Rosemary apparently said she had no idea then suddenly told the driver to take an approaching exit off the freeway.

They were then presented with various directional signs – one of which said ‘The Forest of Tranquility’ – and it was decided to head there. They parked at the entry to the Forest and started walking – eventually all sitting down on a pathside bench seat to rest – and wondering what on earth they were doing there.

“There’s Len !!!” one of them suddenly exclaimed, seeing a man some distance away amongst the trees on another path. They ran after him, and on catching up, re-introduced themselves from the earlier viewing of his photos, explained why they were there and where were the glyphs please? Len, presumably astonished at what had ensued, explained that the glyphs were a short distance away at Kariong and agreed to take them straight there.

(PostScript: One the group subsequently re-visited the glyphs with others, and, whilst pushing the man ahead of her through the narrow opening into the glyphs gallery area, thought what a nice backside he had: they were married some years later!!!)


A selection of the glyphs at in bushland at Kariong, just west of Brisbane Water near Gosford NSW.

I got to subsequently visit the site a couple of times – once with Rosemary and our now-passed First Nations friend Gerry Bostock, the renowned healer (who helped us as a couple through some ego-based personally challenging times – one by getting us to jointly embrace a mother tree – a huge Angophora costata and who, in 1998, walked Rosemary down the aisle at our wedding). Another time was with Valerie Barrow and others who were convinced that this ‘gallery’ of rockface carvings of quasi-Egyptian hieroglyphs and apparent small spacecraft were a record of a visitation to Earth about 900,000 years ago of a huge spacecraft called ‘The Rexagina’.

It is felt that it was bringing new humanoid beings to this planet and that it was attacked and crashed into what is now called Brisbane Water. Some survived the attack and arrived in smaller craft. Rather than go into any further detail, I highly recommend you to read the fine book by Valerie Barrow entitled ‘Alcheringa –When The First Ancestors Were Created’.

Rosemary remembers being on that craft and it is interesting that she was born ‘Rosemary Rex’ in this current life. When I say ‘remember’, Valerie used to carry out regression sessions with each of us by sitting us in one of 2 energy vortices they had at home – one adjacent to the breakfast bar and the other out in the guest accommodation annexe in a specific location.

She would sit you comfortably, ask you to close your eyes, and start to talk back of the time of The Rexagina coming to see what memories may be evoked. With myself and others, there were lucid full colour remembrances of various sequences that all cross-referenced perfectly when Valerie reviewed them later.

When I say ‘us’, you’ll find a group photo of most of us gathered at ‘Alcheringa’ that’s in the back of the ‘Alcheringa ‘ book. So how did we all come together ? Very interesting random process in which, for example, I would encounter someone at eg a service station or a supermarket and find myself recommending they get in contact with Valerie – who then took it from there. But come together we did.

4 September 1994

During the months prior to this remarkable day, Rosemary and 2 others in Sydney (one being a visitor from the UK) had been ‘channeling’ symbols which they drew but were unsure what it was all about.

I don’t recall exactly how it all went from there – other than to say, there were others who became very fired up about them and jointly made a decision to paint them onto circles of canvas after the painting styles of the First Nations peoples. Valerie must have invited all to come to their property on 4.9.1994 and after a jointly shared lunch, set to work out in the open on the terrace area around the swimming pool. I was photographing all activities with both a Pentax SLR (coloured slides) and an Olympus Superzoom
(coloured prints), and another man was taking video plus interviewing the participants (NB the digital age had not yet arrived).

The late Valerie Barrow: A very dear friend.

Two of my photos above which I gave Valerie permission to use in her book ‘The Book of Love’ which Sai Baba blessed.

The enclosed photos speak for themselves: different forms of spacecraft appeared – ranging from that one large circular craft with domed top enveloped in ‘cloud’ as ‘camouflage’ to smaller ‘scoutships’ as Valerie called them.

[Valerie and I later jointly had a ’lightbulb’ moment as to the probable nature of the ‘camouflage’: together, we saw a large hard copy coloured poster close-up photo(obviously taken by another aircraft traveling at the same speed and very close to it) of a supersonic jet fighter breaking the sound barrier immediately being partially enveloped in a ‘doughnut’/torus of ectoplasm-like cloud – realised that spacecraft may well deliberately eg rotate at supersonic speeds to induce, under favourable temperature & humidity conditions, the same as a ‘camouflage, so as not to alarm humans…].


As I photographed them in the company of Valerie Barrow at ‘Alcheringa’ in Sept/October 1994 before they were taken to Central Australia:

My own sightings

Remembering yet again that this is simply an autobiographical account, I should like to share personal sightings.

Probably in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s, I attended the Artarmon Spiritualist Church one Sunday afternoon in Sydney – interested to find out what a typical ‘service’ constituted, and had my eldest daughter with me. I recall we overheard a man in front of us mentioning a UFO sighting that week over Sydney and may have mentioned ‘The Ashtar Command’ – said by some to be a galactic extraterrestrial ‘watchdog’ organization constantly monitoring Planet Earth especially in respect of nuclear power and its potential misuse (as mentioned above in this module under ‘We are Not Alone’).

I dropped my daughter home to her mother at Dee Why and went to a vegetarian café on the coast road between Dee Why and Curl Curl to order dinner. While they were cooking, I walked up and down the footpath in the street looking up at the night sky and suddenly called out loud from the heart : “Ashtar, if you are really there, please can you show yourself?” or words to that effect.

I really meant it.

Having eaten, I drove back to my mother’s house in Northbridge (where I also had my landscape design office for many years) and took the route through the valley between Castlecrag and Northbridge coming up onto the ridgeline at what is called ’Bonds Corner’.

And there it was…

Straight ahead of me, in a line of sight to the south over the partly-illuminated distant Sydney skyline, was a pattern of peach/cream single glowing lights arranged in precise, ladder-like geometrical formation. I swung the car off the road, and jumped out – to find myself standing next to a young couple who were open-mouthed and transfixed, saying : “What is going on?”.

As we watched in almost hypnotic fascination, the pattern changed by some of the lights disappearing and then magically re-appearing to create a new pattern: every pattern was composed of squares/diamonds etc (ie consistently rectilinear) which the balls of light formed the corners of – and consistently in a ladder-like configuration.

Then I did something not very bright (in retrospect)… I jumped into my car and drove to the nearest public phone box (no, the digital age and mobile phones had not arrived yet) to excitedly call my recently-estranged partner and her 2 children at their flat in Mosman to tell them to get outside to see…( however, I was told later that they couldn’t – probably due to tree canopies al around them)… and then I drove back at high speed to the still-watching couple – only to see the last of the lights fade out one by one. Next time, I’ll stay put !!

But it was well-intentioned…

The next morning, our office secretary arrived announcing to the staff that a friend had witnessed the same phenomenon from her front door in nearby Crows Nest… don’t know whether it got any Press, but probably not…

What the significance of it all was, we shall probably never know, and was it just ‘coincidental’ that I had made those impassioned pleas out loud for The Ashtar Command to show itself – but, again to quote Robin Miller (author/transcriber of The Jonathon books) to me in Sedona in 1996 as we met once again:”…there are no coincidences”. (See module ‘1996: A Seminal Year’).

Now, as I write in January 2023, some 33 years later, devices called ‘drones’ have been ‘invented’ on Earth some time ago and are increasingly being put to more & more complex uses – culminating in the extraordinary nighttime graphic art displays by multiple programmed/coordinated drones over the Melbourne Tennis Centre where the 2023 Australian Open was played over the preceding fortnight (videos on Google).

So was this UFO display composed of drone-like devices? Very possibly so…

Other Sightings

Additionally, I was very much part of the 4 September 1994 sightings at ‘Alcheringa’ as the only photographer and have enclosed a selection of photos (as earlier) – as well as some very interesting ‘cloud’ photos taken over the years here at Jacaranda Haven and elsewhere. (Apologies for the lack of quality/resolution but some have had to be photos taken of hard copy photos, due to lost records).

Apart from the well-known ‘lenticular cloud’ formations (as shown in 2 of these photos), probably one of the most extraordinary sightings was (as shown in the 1 st photo above) when, on a clear blue sky day, a dark grey velvety blanket of ‘cloud(???) moved across the sky and after several minutes, just disappeared …then returning to clear blue sky.

Aquatic Phenomenon

In December 2020, there occurred a most remarkable phenomenon in one of our large ornamental pools here at Jacaranda Haven whereby beautiful organic patterns started forming in drifts of floating bright green algal growth: the photos speak for themselves…

Visiting spiritually-orientated friends speculated that it was communication from an extraterrestrial intelligence – in the same manner as ‘crop circles’ in cereal crops around the world (including Australia incidentally). The same bright green growth has started occurring again in Jan 2023 but with only one new ‘symbol’ to date. [I will edit accordingly if more appear].

But no-one yet has been able to explain/decipher what they might mean/be communicating…

[Last updated 30.1.23]