Dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Who continues to be my Guiding Light
“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
[Divine decree received 2010]
‘Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be changed from one form to another.
Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want,
And you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy;
This is physics’
[Albert Einstein]
Why these Writings?
On completion of the Labyrinth here at Jacaranda Haven in 2010, I walked it on my own for the first time and then stood – silent and empty- in the centre. A loud voice spoke telepathically to me:
“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
Sai Baba had gifted me a pen and vibhuti (sacred ash) whilst leaving Puttaparthi in 1999, renowned psychic Joan Moylan had told me in 1998 to write, and psychic Jennifer Starlight conveyed to me from Spirit in early 2022 that I was meant to write…but what ?
And then I realised that all I could write about to assist others on their paths was my own experiences, teachings and learnings in order to “…help others to remember that they are also children of God”. Hence these autobiographical writings…
This is but one ‘module’ in this collection of autobiographical writings that I choose to call ‘modules’. Each one stands alone, but some cross-reference others. A completed book is a static thing once finished: however, these modules are flexible in that I can add to them at any time should new experiences/information comes to hand, and the reader can pick & choose which particular modules attract them. The collection of modules thereby constitutes an’ anthology’.
The intent of writing these is to share experiences and teachings that I have been blessed with along the way of a human incarnation – the ascent of consciousness – such that the reader may also benefit to illumine their own path/ascent to the ultimate inevitable goal for all humans: that of ‘self-realisation’.
Belief vs Truth
As a precursor to reading any of these Modules, there is a need to clarify the difference between ‘Belief’ and ‘Truth’: one may ‘believe’ eg it is raining outside by the sound on the roof, but when you actually see the rain falling/walk out and get wet, you actually then ‘know’ it is so – ie it is ‘true’, and so ‘belief’ about that instantly ceases.
Many go through life accumulating fixed ‘beliefs’ about people/things, and, as Krishnamurti taught:”… the moment you arrive at a conclusion/form an opinion/a belief, you block the possibility of further enquiry and discovery”.
So, a hot air balloon called ‘Ascent’ awaits: I invite you to climb into its basket with me, throw overboard the ballast of all those accumulated ‘beliefs/opinions’ you have acquired to feel safe, and therefore allow this balloon to rise free and drift to destinations unknown.
Because, otherwise, some of what you read herein may sorely challenge your accumulated beliefs…
Everything recounted within the Anthology is absolutely true, unless I have qualified otherwise.
John Stephen Butterworth
In September 1937, I have been told that a husband Reginald and his wife Hazel Rex knelt besides their bedside in their home in Clarence Street Condell Park NSW and prayed for a special child to be conceived that night.
On 26 June 1938, at 5.58am, Hazel gave birth to a baby girl who she called “Rose – of – Mary” which for everyday ease, they called Rosemary, and christened her ‘Rosemary Evelyn Rex’ (Evelyn after her mother’s sister).
Shortly after, Hazel engaged an astrologer, a Mr Langham, to prepare a Natal Horoscope for her new daughter. In brief, ( and for the benefit of those interested in astrology), he said that the chart revealed that ‘Rose-of-Mary’ “…is Gemini rising…it being Winter, the sun had not yet risen, but is on the cusp of the 2nd in Cancer…she has the Moon rising in II (Gemini) but still in the 12th house… This might tend to tie her down and to sacrifice herself to others…she would fight for her home and family against all odds…Venus is in Leo (making) her nature loving and generous…(she might also be ) changeful-loving changes and travel and temperamental when young…there are good aspects in later life for marriage…money should be sufficient…showing ambition,industry and influence…(indications that) …some delay and trouble in early life especially regarding marriage.”
She says that she grew up like most children of that era but even though few friends, had a profound love of God from the start. She went to Sunday School (as indeed many of us did) and at the age of 11, took what to her was a major step in life: she walked down the front at church/Sunday School on Sunday and made a lifelong commitment to God – she gave her life to Jesus.
[Decades later, she told us that she carries a clear memory of being a younger sister of Jeshua ben Josef (as that is said to have been Jesus’ real name)) and can describe the house in which they lived. She recounts a day when she walked along a dusty road with Him holding her hand. She says that he had ginger coloured hair on His arms . He stopped and drew a circle in the dust with a dot in the centre, looked up and said to her:
“You are the Sun/Son of God”.]
She was an excellent gymnast excelling in ‘physical culture’ (as it was called then) and also tennis. Her older brother was very entrepreneurial even from a young age and convinced his parents to build a tennis court at the back of their very long block of land which they rented to others as an additional income stream. She also has a younger brother who married a Japanese girl he met in Canada, brought her to Australia, had 6 very attractive children, and grew chestnuts on their country property whilst running a point-of-sale business in Sydney. Her father Reg was employed all of his working life as a French polisher for a Sydney department store Beard Watsons).
Rosemary hence got to play a lot of tennis from a young age and became so good, she got to play for the District and then at White City in Sydney.
Hazel had a magnificent show garden that won numerous awards, which drew busloads of tourists visiting every Spring and even was featured on the TV show ‘Burke’s Backyard’ with Hazel speaking about the wisdom of life and in particular, dowsing.
But there was a lot more to Hazel that just mother and gardener. Her mother had been a medium and sadly was misunderstood and eventually confined to a mental institution for that ability.
Hazel likewise was a medium, and yes, so is Rosemary who is naturally clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient, and occasionally communicates with the spirit of those that have passed over.
[Post Script: 14.10.22 – Rosemary and I were discussing the predicted downturn in the world economy/rising food & fuel prices etc at breakfast. She went off to brush her teeth, and suddenly called me to say that Hazel (who had passed 16 years ago), was with her with a message. We went immediately to the healing room, lit a candle and welcomed her. Through Rosemary, Hazel warned us of challenging economic times ahead, and that our role was to help people to keep happy despite what was happening. She also stressed the importance of growing as much food as possible – obviously knowing about our very large vegetable garden.]
Hazel worked with the Nature spirits in the garden, conversing and dowsing with them with her trusty pendulum. (She proudly announced on TV that she was a member of the London Society of Dowsers). Hazel once told us that she had instructed the snails in her garden (somewhat in the Findhorn tradition) to graze on just the last plant in the row: we saw the evidence! It was just so!
We still have (as shown below) a copy of a black & white photo taken in their backyard looking at the house in which a gnome with a pointed cap and a tiny ladder can be seen sitting on the edge of the stone terrace with Reg sitting adjacent at a table having morning tea.
[Rosemary remembers in her youth seeing a fairy fly by her one day, which she says had golden hair, and a diaphanous/partly transparent blue dress.]
[When a little older, she describes how one day out in the garden, she could suddenly see a full 360 degrees!]
[Decades later, in the early 2000’s, Rosemary was directed by Archangel Michael to go into retreat on her own back at her mother’s house in Condell Park. I was to take her there, and, once, in her room, I was to command that a protective seal in His name be put in place at the door to keep her totally protected for the duration. This I did and then departed. She was only to come out to use the bathroom and Hazel left meals at her door.
Late on that first day, Hazel smelled an exquisite perfume just outside her closed door, and got a chair to sit there, bathed in it and blissing out – and did so each evening at the same time. When I was phoned to return, I was required to ceremoniously dissolve the seal before Rosemary left.
NB We have experienced such exquisite perfume when Sai Baba has visited us here at Jacaranda Haven],
Hazel not only had a wonderful relationship with the ‘unseen world’ but also with Nature as a whole – in particular, magpies.
When she sold the Condell Park house & land, she relocated to a retirement village at Marsfield near Epping in Sydney suburbia where she bought a selfcare unit as she was still physically fit.
She befriended one or more magpies – to the extent, one of them would walk through her living room into her kitchen and stand in front of the refrigerator, looking up expectantly. Hazel would then open the door, get a piece of cheese and give it to the expectant bird – telling it to take it outside to eat, and not to defecate in transit! The magpie would obediently do so every time…
Then Hazel’s health deteriorated and we offered to have her live with us over at Killarney Heights (about half an hour’s drive from Marsfield) for the immediate future whilst her unit was being sold. At that time, we were renting an older 2 storey weatherboard house with rumpus room (Academy office), garage and laundry on ground level and the rest of the house upstairs. We put Hazel into a bedroom that had sliding doors out onto a covered verandah that overlooked the back garden.
She had only been there a few days, when she heard a tapping sound at the sliding doors. She rolled over in bed to look, and, lo and behold, there was a mother magpie and youngsters at the glass door tapping with their beaks. Rosemary came to see and opened the door whereupon the birds came into the bedroom and around to the bedside asking to be fed! And this continued until Hazel had to be moved to a nursing home elsewhere…
But the magic of this remarkable relationship didn’t end there…
Some years later (I think after Hazel had passed), Rosemary’s sister-in-law Pam died from a brain tumour. Her husband was devastated as Pam had been his very best friend, and the 3 children had all left home – hence he would now be alone.
We attended the funeral at Berry on the NSW South Coast near where they lived (during the service, a pendant light hanging from the ceiling flicked off then on again: I instantly got that Pam was doing it – so started telepathically asking her questions, asking her to indicate with the light ‘Yes’ or ‘No’: we had quite a chat, and I had no doubt it was definitely her!)
After the wake out on the lawns around the Church, we all took our leave and her bereaved husband went home to their house at the local village of Cambewarra – alone…
The Love of a Mother
He reported that as he sat there feeling so alone, there was suddenly a tapping at the glass side door.
And there was a magpie !!!– so obviously sent by his late mother Hazel – to comfort him, so he would not be entirely alone…which continued to come each afternoon around the same time to be fed.
The love of a mother.
Vale Hazel.
Back to Rosemary
Rosemary first married a man called Keith Whitfield whilst still a young woman and had 4 wonderful children – a daughter and 3 sons – all of whom are very close. She married for a second time but it was reportedly shortlived, and, fast forwarding, by the time I first met her in the early 1990’s, she was a single woman.
Whilst in her late 20’s, on the recommendation of her older brother , she started attending The School of Philosophy (and Economic Science) on a regular basis to learn more about the spiritual and religious traditions of the world.
When her son Peter was 6 years old, he was taken to a public talk by the Head of the School. When the Head asked at the conclusion whether there were any questions, Peter put up his hand, and asked: ”Who am I ?” which understandably astounded all the adults present. The Head immediately invited Peter to join the School. Rosemary had to leave the School a few years later but Peter, to this day(2022), 54 years later, continues to run philosophy classes in person/on ZOOM as a pro bono tutor. He also publishes spiritual education books for children including the splendid ‘Zen Tails’ series which are highly recommended .
The Story of Peter Klein: A Tale of Trust and Love in Action
Not long prior to my first meeting Rosemary, she was living with her oldest brother in his apartment in North Sydney and started to have a friend of his from New York called Peter Klein drift in and out of her mind when meditating of a morning – even though she had never met him. She could sense he was very ill which was confirmed by her brother as AIDS. She wrote to him and advised he try using a citrine crystal, and then mailed one to him. She felt increasingly under pressure to assist him in whatever way she could, and prayed for guidance, when suddenly her brother announced that he had some frequent flyer points (enough for a return trip to New York) and gifted them to her. In total trust, she then flew there in total trepidation at the reception she might receive as Peter had been writing back angrily to her at first, telling her to leave him alone – then softened and ended up inviting her to come in May for Springtime.
When he opened the door, they fell into each other’s arms for what she recounts seemed like an eternity. She was guided by the Angels she said to massage his emaciated body (as a trained remedial masseuse) for 1 hour per day for 5 days, and miraculously, on the 6th day, he awoke feeling well, dressed and took her sight-seeing for the day!! Then there was the visit home to his and his partner’s home in the country in the beauty of Spring, and he even took her to a Gay and Lesbian Ball in New York! (She says that they were probably the only ‘mixed’ couple there!)
She returned to Australia, and was thrilled to receive a card from him saying simply: ‘I LOVE YOU’.
But then his health declined again.
His best friend Debra Netkin writes that on 6 December 1992, Rosemary rang her (in New York) from her home in (North) Sydney saying that Peter was about to cross over and that it was essential that his spirit left his physical body via his heart as “…if he can focus on his heart, he can go out on a high plane”. She then hurried to the hospital and found that was indeed so: Peter’s partner Tom had just brought him in.
Debra conveyed Rosemary’s message to Peter who, despite his debilitated condition, was able to also throw the same challenge back to her – asking her if she also could do so when her time came!
And then he passed.
Hence Peter (and Debra & Tom) were spiritually richer for Rosemary’s guidance throughout including how to pass over always looking for the Light to go to. She had also told him that his work on the other side’ would be to comfort other gay men who had crossed over from AIDS and who had been dispossessed by their families – hence leaving the deceased ones with deep emotional pain.
It is truly a wonderful story of TRUST in guidance/intuition… and LOVE.
[The fuller account of this can be found at the conclusion of Rosemary’s book: ’How to Move Forward-Leave Your Thoughts Behind’ published by Atlantis Books 2013]. Highly recommended spiritual workbook.
We Meet
The way that Rosemary and I came to meet in this life (as we are told that we were together in at least one previous life) was that my-then partner and I went to a symposium on UFO’s at a hotel in Sydney, and, wandering around the various exhibits, found a lady, Esther Crowley drawing portraits of people’s spirit guides that she said she could see clairvoyantly. She was about to leave for the day and we offered her a ride home as we discovered we lived in the same suburb as her.
On the way home, she told us that she and her husband Brian had a group at their apartment on Thursday evenings reading and discussing James Hurtak’s extraordinary book ‘The Keys of Enoch’, and would we like to join them? We accepted and went along the following Thursday evening. A number of people were seated around in the sitting room and we sat down. Then, Brian Crowley emerged from another room to welcome everyone and started the evening with sacred chants and invocations – many of them apparently in Hebrew.
Then reading of the book commenced by each one reading a line in turn.
‘The Keys of Enoch’ is a very difficult book to understand (Rosemary later ran a similar group at our place in Sydney on a Friday for several years during which they read, and re-read the book (I believe) at least 3 or 4 times – at which point in August 2017 that we finally moved to live fulltime here at Jacaranda Haven).
The complexity of it caused my partner to blurt out after a short while:
“Please can we slow down and just understand each line at a time?” which was entirely justified.
And so we did. Whilst I will leave the reader to check this remarkable book out further via the Internet,
A lady sitting next to me (I was sitting on the floor) declared that, due to the chanting and invocations, beings from other dimensions had responded to the ‘call’ and some wished to speak. She went into a deep state, cleared her throat, and then a voice somewhat different from hers started speaking about what we had been reading. This was the first time (I thought) I ever heard what came to be called ‘channelling’.
As we left the gathering, she accompanied my partner and I along the footpath at which point, we all introduced ourselves.
Her name was Rosemary Whitfield – and little did any of us know what the future held.
[Rosemary has told me that, when I had walked into the gathering that evening, she was immediately attracted to me – only to then see my partner follow me in!]
[Just to share a little more about Brian Crowley: he was an established professional author especially about cricket, but had co-authored the remarkable book ‘The Face on Mars’ with James Hurtak and was a student of all matters esoteric. He and wife Esther also produced in the 1980’s(?) an excellent compendium of sacred chants & songs from all the world’s major religions/spiritual traditions which was published both as a hard copy book plus cassette audio tape which was called ‘Words of Power’: Sacred Songs East & West’ (book at least still available online). At our gatherings, he taught us a number of uplifting sacred songs and chants – some of which I still sing today: so thank you Brian so much! The last I heard, he had become an Orthodox Jew and they were living in Jerusalem,Israel].
My partner and I separated around (?) 1991, and Rosemary (who was by then living with her oldest brother in his apartment in North Sydney) was holding meditation/teaching/esoteric gatherings there one evening each week to which I was invited to attend. I met other like-minded people there and heard that some of them had started a Sunday evening channelling session at their St Ives home.(We also met a couple of times at other homes, but the St Ives venue was the preferred one). Eventually, I came to be invited to attend and witnessed both Rosemary and our male host channelling various entities. These gatherings were conducted under strict energetic controls and opening prayers to attempt to ensure there was no ‘interference’ from undesirable entities. Hence, I came to understand the power and clarity of Rosemary’s natural psychic abilities.
Wilpena Pound: Grid Point 44
In maybe 1992, word went around spiritual groups in Australia about a planned gathering of spiritually-minded folk at what was/is called ‘Grid Point 44’ in the centre of Wilpena Pound in South Australia on an astrologically-propitious date (30 years later, I don’t recall the actual date). It is interesting to look back in hindsight to realize that this was before the internet and email: it was all by word-of-mouth.
Rosemary and I (as just friends at that time) decided to travel there together and I was then approached by a well-known man called John McGovern in Adelaide asking if he, his wife and girlfriend (indeed a ménage a trois, it seemed) could get a ride from Adelaide to there and back. I consented and hired a large Ford station wagon to fit us all plus luggage & their camping gear. At the last moment, Rosemary agonized over whether to go or not as she had contracted the flu. But go she did and was most annoyed at me sitting well away from her in the plane lest I also get it!
John was a fascinating man who seemed a bottomless well of information about extraterrestrials/The Keys of Enoch/First Nation peoples and their lore & culture/the world of spirit…and crystals. Did someone say “crystals”? Whilst in transit, he told us that where they lived, there was a Victorian-era style circular pond with central (defunct) fountain around the perimeter of which, he had placed 144 clear quartz crystals (hand size) all pointing to the centre where he had positioned a massive upward – pointing clear quartz crystal. Talk about ‘blast off’!!
He also spoke much as we travelled of the local First Nation people of the area we were going to –the Adnyamathanha – and how he claimed that name also means ‘Gift of God’ in Hebrew! The Adnyamathanha call the Pound ‘Ikara’ which apparently means ‘meeting’ or ’initiation place’ in their language. I trust that there was full consultation and permission gained by our gathering’s initiators for our gathering to be held…
To thank me for transporting them there and back, John gifted me a hand-sized clear quartz crystal with asymetrical apex which is sitting on the desk next to me right now, and which I used to carry in my campervan…the later relevance of this is explained shortly.
Whilst they and many others stayed in the camping ground adjacent to Wilpena Pound, Rosemary and I chose the motel (separate rooms of course). Whilst most there were going to walk into the Pound and gather at ‘Gridpoint 44’ for a night-long ceremony on a specific date (I don’t recall which), Rosemary was so ill she stayed in her room, and I decided that I’d walk in the following day and so went to bed.
The next morning at breakfast, Rosemary told me that in sleep, she had seen a golden light city and conversed with (I think) Lord Ashtar of The Ashtar Command. We then heard of a blind man who was there who had experienced a similar vision. I sensed that some/many who’d stayed out all night had little/no water with them, so I bought as many plastic bottles as I could carry, put them in a rucksack and headed into the Pound mid-morning as it was starting to get very warm. As I encountered small groups returning, I was able to give them water if needed. I also found a small clear quartz crystal lying on some wind-blown sandy soil ie as though the wind had uncovered it: I picked it up, admired it and gently placed it back exactly where it had been and walked on.
The next day, Rosemary was marginally better and, with me beside her, determinedly walked into the Pound so that she had the experience of this wonderful place.
We then drove down to Adelaide and took our leave of our 3 passengers. We’d been invited to connect with different people whilst there, so checked into a motel and firstly went to dinner with a man that a friend of Rosemary’s thought might make a good partner for her. But, not to be…
ET Encounter in Adelaide
The following day, we were invited to a house in suburban Adelaide for Saturday afternoon tea… or so we thought.
On arrival, our hostess greeted us warmly with tea and cake then excused herself to make a phone call to invite another person. Either then or later, we realised that she had ‘checked us out’ before making that phone call. Another man arrived wearing a T shirt and jeans, wearing spectacles and was introduced to us: this was who had been phoned just now.
He led us into the lounge room where the six of us sat in a circle.
And then it happened.
He started talking intensely about spiritual/energy matters, and suddenly turned to me, saying that I’d been “…a naughty boy in Atlantis” (which I later discovered via other mediums referred to me as an Atlantean scientist eg experimenting with crossing genera such as birds with plants – the feathers on Proteas are one result; the short back legs on hyenas was an experiment gone wrong; I feel giraffes also resulted etc. Sometimes when I see these various species in real life, such memories come flooding back… so familiar… I also sense that other experimentation led to catastrophic events, and hence am acutely aware of the danger of modern day scientists repeating past errors).
He then called on Rosemary (maybe sensing her psychic faculties) to approach him, told her to kneel down, and handed to her a ball of invisible energy which was so heavy she fell to her knees trying to hold it: he instructed her to then take it around the circle, offering it to each person. This she did her best to do, struggling from one person to the next constantly on her knees carrying the immense weight of this invisible ball of energy. All those present calmly accepted what was happening as though this was a typical Saturday afternoon social gathering…
At the conclusion, she collapsed back into her chair exhausted, and the man got up and abruptly left the house.
What was it all about? Neither of us to this day, 30 years later, have a clue.
As we left, we accepted the invitation to attend a Feldenkris session to be run by one of the ladies present the following morning elsewhere in Adelaide.
On arrival the next morning at a small community hall, we were invited to partake in a variety of simple bodily movements including to lying face down on mats to engage in simple raising and lowering of legs.
To my astonishment, I suddenly had past-life, full-colour lucid flashes of various events – just triggered by these simple movements. Fascinating!
Whilst I was driving back to the motel, the hire car started making an ominous mechanical sound from the engine bay and I was hence simultaneously focused on both that and on the correct route when I had a mental ‘flash’: without warning, I was told telepathically (and shouted out the same to a startled Rosemary) that:
“That man yesterday afternoon was an extraterrestrial (ET)!!” (ie who had given her the heavy ball of energy) …years later, in 2017, I had a similar experience when briefly with a most unusual young man, I developed a severe headache (Rosemary was unaffected), and after he left, I was told telepathically that he was from Andromeda.
I didn’t know until in recent years that ALL humans are actually from other Solar and Planetary systems, until I was gifted (by my friend Viveka): ‘THERE IS ONLY ONE UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS : I AM THAT ONE’: by Sai Baba (in His subtle body) as dictated telepathically to Irene Margaret Watson in 2017 & 2018 comprising Vol 1: Human Consciousness, Vol 2: Transitional Consciousness and Vol 3: Higher Consciousness (Printed Omkar Press, Bangalore, India).
In these, Sai Baba explains: ”You all originally came from other Solar & Planetary Systems, some of which you still know nothing or very little about” (Vol 3,p.117) – “All Earthly Beings are not ‘originally’ from Earth as previously mentioned and discussed in Vols 1 and 2”.
This explanation certainly helped my understanding some further way along the path of spiritual awareness and understanding – for which I am most grateful.
Rosemary and I then flew back to our (then still separate) lives in Sydney.
What then followed some time after in 1993 for Rosemary was an astounding series of events – which are told more fully in a separate module. Here’s a précis to set the context of subsequent developments.
Rendezvous with Archangel Michael
A teenage daughter of the lady who hosted the Sunday night ‘channelling’ sessions at St Ives in Sydney reportedly started receiving ‘automatic writing’ from Divine realms: she later said that she would sit down to do her homework, and Spirit would often take over her writing hand and write messages/teachings.
Unbeknownst to anyone else (including me) at the time, she received one such message one afternoon which she said came from Holy Mother Mary, and which she was told to give in total confidentiality to Rosemary after one of the Sunday evening channelling sessions at her house.
“Archangel Michael asks you (ie Rosemary) to go to rainforest on an island where He will meet with you”.
Without telling anybody else what was going on, she took time off work, booked a flight to Hawaii, thence to Hana (at the eastern end of Maui) and checked into a resort complex. On Ascension Day that year, she walked into rainforest, and Archangel Michael indeed appeared before her. He told her to walk with Him and told her that, through her, many things would came to pass, and to”…create a space”.
Simultaneously, back in Sydney Australia, myself and 2 other individuals/groups had parallel Divine communication experiences .
[The fuller account of this is contained in a separate module : ’Archangel Michael and The Southern Cross Academy of Light’].
The Gympie ‘Pyramid’
Every year between Christmas and New Year for 9(?) years, I travelled in my campervan up to initially Maleny, then later to Woodford in Queensland for the famous annual week-long Folk Festival. Being a musician, I loved the immense variety of this wonderful vibrant event with so many different performers and instrumentation from around the world, the varied food/crafts/creativity etc. It culminated on New Year’s Eve with the renowned ‘fire ceremony’ with hundreds of performers welcoming the Light to the New Year. On New Year’s morning at 9am, Riley Lee, the shakuhachi grandmaster, would (amazingly) conduct a breathing workshop for hundreds of attendees – many of whom had been partying all night! Extraordinary stuff!
So why the sudden diversion to this subject? To now explain:
I had been connected via friends in Sydney with a lady who lived near Maleny who, in turn, was a friend of a couple of well-known ‘lightworkers’ and I was recommended to get to meet them.
We drove one day up to the Gympie area where they rented a house on a rural property: it was the height of a prolonged drought and they were desperately short of water. The shallow amount of very dirty water held in the kitchen sink that was being used repeatedly to wash dishes/hands in made a deep impression on me (at this time also, much of Eastern Australia was alight with bushfires).
The lady ‘knowingly’ invited me to go with the to visit the so-called ‘pyramid’ out along Tin Can Bay Road and so just we two drove there, leaving the other two working on some roof plumbing in preparation for rain that must come eventually.
Arriving on site, she went to the owner’s house to seek permission to enter; as I got out of my campervan, I felt guided to grab the asymetrical clear quartz crystal that I had been gifted in South Australia by John McGovern when Rosemary and I had driven he, his wife and girlfriend to and from Wilpena Pound a couple of years before… as recounted earlier.
Permission granted, she and I clambered up the scree slope of great slabs of weathered sandstone interposed with gumtree saplings and mature gumtrees. We arrived at a roughly level area and then she started to look around – apparently following guidance. As well as the numerous stories one can read on the Internet about this so-called ‘Gympie Pyramid’, she claimed that there was a subterranean chamber that had survived despite all the destructive bulldozing that had gone on there over many years. She said that the chamber was decorated in blue and gold – like the Egyptian tradition – and had at its centre something in the form of a sarcophagus (my description from what I am trying to remember she said) and that one day, the chamber will be exposed by tectonic activity (I think?). [Interestingly, I’ve heard of other talking about Egyptian visitations to the east coast of Australia thousands of years ago].
And then she led me through the open scrub of this formerly-bulldozed terrace to the top of the scree slope again – saying that there was originally a small opening in a slab of stone on top of that chamber where at a specific time on a specific day each year, the sun would shine a beam through to strike a key point in the chamber…
Suddenly, she knelt down and started sweeping the accumulated leaf litter aside, and, to my amazement, there was an asymetrical hole penetrating the sandstone slab we were kneeling on. “Here it is” she declared.
And, as though I was being controlled, I took the clear quartz crystal from my pocket, and inserted the pointed end into the hole – recalling that I had no idea of why I had taken the crystal with me…
To our joint astonishment, it fitted perfectly as though they had been tooled to fit each other.
We both probably gasped in amazement, but knew that something was happening that had been arranged by other realms.
We then climbed back down and returned to the others who were watching TV coverage of the extensive East Coast bushfires. My hostess and I drove back to her flat in the evening.
And then it started.
I felt extremely ill and burning up – much like the bushfire energy that was raging along the Australian East Coast. My hostess had to go to work so kindly allowed me to stay as I was completely unfit to drive. I don’t remember much for a couple of days as I must have been unconscious/delirious for much of it and tried to drink water when conscious… it was really awful, and I had no idea of what was happening. I don’t think I could eat.
About the 3rd day, I simply had to start driving back south to Sydney as I had to re-open my landscape office shortly after the Christmas/New Year break. It was a real struggle as I steered my Toyota campervan southwards: I even had to attend a pre-arranged meeting with architects in Brisbane about a potential design project there for my Sydney office. It was nightmarish.
Rosemary to the Rescue
When I finally arrived home to Northbridge, I rang Rosemary in desperation – hoping that she might be able to assist in some way. She listened carefully, then told me to get a medium size pink quartz crystal, and bring that plus a Tibetan bell to her at home that afternoon (noting that her brother would be at work).
When I arrived, she explained that the guidance she had received was to “…use bell, book and candle to conduct ceremony”. She produced a Bible as the book and lit a candle…
I don’t recall exactly what then transpired other than her finishing by commanding the energies within my auric field to leave me instantly and go into the pink crystal – supercharged by a deafening scream from her!!!
It had been an exorcism, and was mercifully nearly complete: she told me to bury the crystal afterwards in the ground somewhere convenient to bring the process to full completion.
I immediately started to feel better, and obviously would have thanked her so much for what she had done.
As to what the energies were, she had no idea; I asked another psychic friend of ours and she felt that I had karmically agreed pre-birth to one day release a coven of witches trapped at that site… who knows?
We Become ‘An Item’
Somehow, Rosemary and I were being drawn together (mercifully without any further exorcisms – at least not for us, but she has performed a few over the years for others). We finally ‘became an item’ in January 1994 after having been friends for about 2 years – little realising what else lay in store for us to facilitate.
Shortly after, we attended an evening talk in Sydney by Dr Jacob Lieberman from USA – an eye doctor who had chosen to specialise in the healing potential of light. He had written a marvellous book: ’Light-Medicine of the Future’ followed by another: ’Take Off Your Glasses and See’ and shared his journey into the realms of human consciousness through his own direct experiences. Rosemary was so impressed that she and a girlfriend booked to do a course with Jacob in Aspen Colorado the following May.
She also purchased one of his light devices whereby different coloured lights are shone into a patient’s eyes for varying durations for intended therapeutic benefits which she wanted to use in her therapy work.
Totally separately, we had both heard and read about the ‘Findhorn Community’ in Scotland and its remarkable founding. There were other matters also including The Mind Body Spirit Festival in London that year, my aunts in Lancashire, the annual Chelsea Flower Show, the Michael & Mary ley line, Glastonbury etc etc.
We then came up with a fun plan to meet up in London – she coming from Aspen and me from Sydney – and have several weeks in England, Scotland and France. I was able to leave my office running itself with the marvellous staff…
Together in England
And so it happened: we met at Heathrow, and booked into a B&B in Acton. We had an utterly delightful day at The Chelsea Flower Show, I spent a day at the Mind Body Spirit Festival attending a lecture, then a workshop with sound therapist Jonathon Goldman. Rosemary and I the next day hired a car and headed south towards Cornwall.
I was driving as we came over a rise and first saw Stonehenge straight ahead – at which point, Rosemary said I turned ashen grey. She got me to drive into the public carpark, and then calmly talked me through what might be going on.
With eyes closed, I remember looking down and seeing my feet in crude open sandals (?made from straw?) and the bottom hem of a sackcloth robe, and I immediately knew I had been killed there in a former life (?as a Druid perhaps?). She helped calm me to detach and feel safe again – whereupon we paid our entry fees and walked up and around (as permitted), well away from the perimeter of Stonehenge. As we sat in the meadow amongst the grasses and wildflowers looking at Stonehenge, I felt at peace once again: the fear was gone.
After a night in Penzance, we drove just along to Marazion where, at low tide, you could walk out to St Michael’s Mount, otherwise accessible by boat. This was special for Rosemary due to her close bond to Him: the Mount is so-named as 3 fisherman said that Archangel Michael appeared to them above in the clouds, just near this island, when they were in dire peril and praying one stormy night in their small boat, and kept them safe.
At Glastonbury, we climbed the Tor early one morning where I recorded (with a DAT machine) some harmonic/overtone chanting in the Tower. We had both read :’The Sun and The Serpent’ by Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller (highly recommended) and were visiting key energy points along these 2 ley lines – one being the Michael and the other being the Mary ley line. Glastonbury was one such key place which included Chalice Wells and its famed spring. We got to chance upon a performance that night by gong master Don Conreaux who was to become a significant part of my life in coming years.
Punting on the River Thames at Oxford: I was not a very able ‘gondolier’.
We progressively travelled north heading for Scotland, including visiting some of my relatives, and arrived eventually in Inverness where we booked into a B&B in Nairn for the Friday night. Our hostess and Rosemary hit it off – so much so that she insisted in taking all our washing from us, promising to deliver it back a week later when we left Findhorn… which she did !!! [At this point, I assume that readers either know all about this legendary organisation, or are checking the Internet to inform themselves – as so much has been written about it].
The Findhorn Foundation
In those days, one was required to undertake ‘Experience Week’ as an introduction to the way of life at Findhorn. You checked in mid-morning on a Saturday, and joined your group for the week that afternoon. Our group comprised 21 participants from around the world (all English-speaking) plus 1or 2 coordinators.
We sat in a circle and went around introducing ourselves plus had to select an ‘Angel Card’ from the centre which had a quality/affirmation which you were asked to hold in mind for the week, then check in again at the de-briefing at the end of the week. It was extraordinary how relevant virtually all the cards were!
We’d only just started when a middle-aged Canadian woman was admitted to the room to join us who was visibly shaking: when it came her turn to share, she broke down and had to leave temporarily to settle herself. She was then able to share that her marriage had recently collapsed, she booked a trip to Scotland (not sure why), drove into the adjacent town of Forres, asking for accommodation and was directed to Cluny Hill College (that part of Findhorn we were in just then – the other part is The Park – former caravan park some 20 minutes drive way). She had no idea why she was there but simply that her life had fallen apart. All obviously divinely-guided!
By the end of the week, she was a changed person – as, immersed in the love and support of all there, she experienced Sacred Dancing, group hugs, fascinating talks, joining in communal work, fabulous vegetarian food, singing nature walks, etc etc.
Another in the circle, a well spoken English girl from Paris, explained she had AIDS (unknowingly contracted from a one night stand). This was, in those times, a very brave public announcement to make (as there was much fear about the disease), but Rosemary instantly ‘adopted’ her and counselled her all week. She became a good friend of ours.
We all had to nominate which area of morning work we would engage in for the week. Rosemary wryly remembers that, in her heart, she wanted to learn more about vegetarian cooking and hence be in the kitchen, but when ‘Housekeeping’ was called out, her hand shot up of its own accord – so obviously divinely guided as so much is at Findhorn! So, she then spent each morning as part of the team cleaning ie vacuuming, cleaning toilets etc – noting that Cluny Hill College is a former Scottish country hotel on a grand scale!
I asked, and was granted, ‘Gardening’ and got to work in the famous vegetable garden each morning over at The Park right where the legendary giant cabbages and cauliflowers grew which helped make Findhorn so well known around the world.
Every morning that memorable week, a group of 4 of us from our group (one Italian, 2 Americans and myself) who were working at The Park would rush through breakfast at Cluny, jump into a car, and drive at high speed to The Park where we ran to the earth covered, domed Nature Sanctuary with its central skylight to sit with others in a circle and sing songs from the Taise tradition in France (another one to Google).
Then we’d go to our work teams. After lunch, our whole group would re-convene back at Cluny/The Park for a different experience every day: I think my favourite activity was the afternoon we participated in ‘Dances of Universal Peace’ in the small ballroom at Cluny – sacred group dancing. Delightful!
On the Thursday afternoon, we all had free time so I decided to play 9 holes of golf on the adjacent Forres Golf Course. I was getting a club and ball out of the hired bag when I looked around to see Rosemary about to hit off! I had no idea that she could play! She played part way around, then we joined up with a couple of Norwegian pilots from the NATO spy plane airbase next to The Park.
NATO spy plane airbase ? you ask!
To explain: here you had contradictory conjunction of the Findhorn spiritual community at The Park (a former caravan park, and wartime airstrip before that) on the Findhorn peninsula smack next to the NATO spy plane air base… I was driving back to The Park one time with Moray Firth on my left and airbase n my right when a set of traffic lights turned red. Moments after stopping, a fighter jet plane with absolutely no markings (all their aircraft were anonymous in a quite sinister way) shot across in front of me, right to left, almost at road level and out over the Firth gaining altitude. When I stayed at The Park again in 1995, this could happen at any time of day or night with thunderous sound… a most bizarre conjunction.
Before we knew it, the week ended and we were saying goodbyes and hugs plus being presented with our washing by our lovely Nairn B&B hostess – true to her promise!
We drove to Inverness Airport, handed in our hire car and flew to London. Overhearing we were bound for France, a Canadian man sitting next to Rosemary extolled the virtues of Grenoble – highly recommending her to visit. I’ll come back to that in a minute.
We flew the brief trip to Paris and took a taxi to our pre-booked Hotel de Danou near the Opera House – which hotel just ’happened’ to be next door to an excellent vegetarian restaurant – despite warnings from others as to the challenges we might face obtaining vegetarian food in Paris! Cared for yet again!
We went to the Louvre and, yes, saw, that painting (…I am baffled to this day what all the fuss is about The Mona Lisa), danced in an underground nightclub during the day, visited Notre Dame Cathedral and the Greek quarter, where there was a street seemingly lined with Greek restaurants where the proprietors stood at the entry with an armful of white dinner plates and smashed several on the floor the moment they made eye contact with us – as if to say: ”We’re the best! Look how many plates we smash on the floor!”
We re-united with the girl with AIDS from Findhorn, met her sister and brother, and spent time with her around Paris. She told us that she attended prayer gatherings arranged/led by a Marie Lebrun (I think this was her name: apologies if incorrect) and the there was a large one scheduled to be held in a couple of weeks time at Grenoble… and would Rosemary like to go with her? We laughed as we recalled the man on the plane encouraging her to go to Grenoble. Spirit at work again perhaps?
It just so happened that, for the very same weekend, I was booked to attend a sound workshop near Orleans and the there were train links from Orleans to Grenoble… so Rosemary decided she’d give it a go and agreed to meet her friend there (as she was going there ahead of time).
Chartres Cathedral and its Labyrinth
She and I then hired a car and started exploring France, heading first up down to Chartres. Having checked into a hotel, we went to the Cathedral and mounted the front broad stone steps flanked by giant statues, and entered – looking for the famous Labyrinth pattern within the floor. We found it, but were dismayed that it was largely covered by rows of chairs (as pews). When we expressed our frustration in probably – appalling French to a lady at the Cathedral entry at a desk, she replied that as tomorrow was the Summer Solstice, all chairs would be removed so that those who wanted, could walk this Labyrinth. People from far and wide would be there. [As Robin Miller said to me in Sedona in 1996, “…there are no coincidences!”: refer module ‘1996’ elsewhere].
[The Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral is said to have been walked by meditating Benedictine Monks for around 800 years and is one of the most renowned labyrinths in the world. At this point, I must share a brief anecdote about Rosemary from Sydney just prior:
I was looking for a suitable hall in Crows Nest to hold weekly group vocal toning/meditation sessions and was invited to inspect a former Uniting Church. To my amazement, on the floor of the church, there was no pews but instead, a labyrinth pattern (maybe 12m diameter) painted onto canvas. The Church clerk spoke quietly over my shoulder saying:
”Welcome to the Labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral, lovingly hand-painted by the members of the congregation”. I was astounded but knew instantly that this would feature significantly in my life from there on.
“Tonight is the first time that it will be walked: would you/friends like to join us?”
I said definitely yes and left, heading for a meeting at architects’ offices in Neutral Bay. On arrival, I asked if I could use a phone (pre-mobile phone era!), and excitedly rang Rosemary who was working at her brother’s perfumery shop in nearby Mosman. Before I could get a word in, she blurted out that for the last hour or so, she had clear vision of a magnificent old cathedral, of climbing up its front steps, flanked by giant statues…she broke off:
“But what did you call me for?” I just grinned, and said :
“I’m not saying anything; I’ll pick you up at 8pm: destination secret”.
As we crossed Holtermann Street that evening heading for the church, she continued to talk about the vision she’d had earlier in the day… and then gasped when she saw what was inside…
For the last 30 years, her clairvoyant/audient/sentient faculties never cease to amaze me at times…
We then regularly hired this portable Labyrinth from the Crows Nest Uniting Church for many years thereafter – especially for the ‘Bathed in Sound’ sacred ceremonial event I birthed in about 2001.]
So back to Chartres in 1994.
The following morning (the Summer Solstice 21 June), we returned to the Cathedral, and were taken aback to discover a long queue of people of every nationality one could imagine talking quietly amongst themselves in many different languages. lining up to walk this renowned Labyrinth. We joined the very slow moving queue, and finally stepped into the Labyrinth at 11am. It was packed, and we quickly discovered that the reason it was so slow moving was that most of those who had arrived at the Labyrinth’s centre were praying for very extended periods of time! We sometimes didn’t get to take the next step for 20 minutes! When we finally reached the centre, we quickly offered up prayers and exited – for the dual reasons of not just be considerate of others, but that it was now 2:30pm, and we were needing the toilet, water, food and a sit down after 3½ hours! I remember that we sprinted down those front steps across to a café and into their toilets, before collapsing into chairs and ordering water and food!
So in retrospect, those physical needs simply and unfortunately overcame any intent we had for praying and being in an empty, meditative space…
We then headed for Orleans – near where, I was booked to do a weekend workshop about harmonic/overtone chanting and toning. Having spent a night there in a hotel, I dropped Rosemary off at the station – leaving her with a sheet of paper with French phrases & sentences to assist her journey. We spent time rehearsing these, before she boarded and off she went – with the agreement that I would re-join her and her girl friend (from Findhorn) at Hotel de Danou back in Paris after the weekend. Then I returned the hire car to a depot and went to an agreed pick up point for my lift to the workshop out in the countryside.
I must comment at this juncture about Rosemary’s courage and trust – as she headed off as a single, attractive woman on her own, on a train, not speaking French really at all and not knowing whether she had to change trains etc to get to Grenoble. But go she did, and she recounts that a man who spoke some English ‘just happened’ to speak to her right when she needed to change trains!! And so she arrived safely in Grenoble where her lady friend was waiting to greet her!
Rosemary recounts that they went to the prayer meeting which was attended by maybe several hundred people, and during proceedings, there was a noisy disturbance down the other end of the hall. Someone came running and asked her to come…why her? Who knows (maybe they could perceive her psychic abilities?), but go she did, and found a girl writhing on the floor in terrible pain, moaning and groaning, with contorted face surrounded by many distressed people not knowing what to do.
She then was ‘divinely guided’ to perform an exorcism on the unfortunate girl (which always conclude with a powerful scream and divine command from Rosemary), who reportedly quickly recovered. Which is further demonstration that Spirit knows who’s needed where and when – as Rosemary hadn’t been quite sure why she had agreed in the first place to head off rather blindly into the French countryside trusting she would end up in Grenoble and for good reason… but trust she did, always following her ‘intuition’.
Over the 30 years I’ve known Rosemary, she has had to unexpectedly perform exorcisms on several occasions – including myself as probably the first in early 1994, and this one, probably her second, in June of that year.
It is something that she is completely divinely guided to perform when/where necessary and always does so under complete divine protection. I wryly recall one she suddenly had to do for a client at our rented house at North Narrabeen in Sydney once, which concluded with her ear-splitting scream and my loudly striking my Native American frame drum 3 times; the neighbours then came and asked us whether they should call the police as they’d heard a woman scream and what they thought might have been 3 muffled gunshots!!]
Meanwhile, I got a lift back to Paris with another workshop participant, and the 3 of us were re-united once again at Hotel de Danou.
Fair-welling our friend, Rosemary and I then flew back to Heathrow, where she had to fly back to Sydney via USA and I, via Hong Kong, where I got booked up for a Sacred Sound workshop event for June 1995 (ie 12 months hence), before flying back into Sydney.
Central Australia
At the Sunday night ‘channelling’ sessions in St Ives in Sydney, Rosemary, Rob (one of our hosts) and a visitor from the UK started to ‘bring through’ a series of symbols – the origin of which were initially unknown. There was a notable consistency in symbols between the 3 of them and there was much discussion as to what should be done with them.
Consulting with other ‘mediums’, a group decision was taken that they should firstly be painted onto circular pieces of canvas each, say, about 450mm in diameter, and a day was fixed to do this at ‘Alcheringa’ the NSW Southern Highlands property of John & Valerie Barrow. The news got around such that, on the Sunday chosen, there must have been maybe 20+ attendees who spread out on the terrace around the pool by the house. I took 2 cameras (one for colour print film, the other for coloured slides – the digital age had not yet dawned) whilst Rob brought a video camera – none of us knowing at that stage what was about to ensue.
Mid-afternoon, I (as the photographer) looked up at the otherwise blue sky and was stunned to see overhead and just to the north of us, a massive cylindrical cloud formation not unlike an old-fashioned children’s spinning top in overall shape which was composed mainly of dense, almost smoke-like misty ‘cloud’! Everyone gaped at it, suddenly knowing that we were being ‘watched’/under surveillance.
About the same time, there were snake-like traces of tiny lights in the otherwise clear blue NW sky.
I was shooting both print & slide photos, Rob was filming with the video camera whilst ’channelling’/conversing with the beings concerned, and vigorous conversation amongst all was going on as to what was occurring.
[Just before she passed earlier this year, Valerie Barrow (as also a close friend) phoned me to seek yet further permission to use some of my photos from that remarkable day in her latest book – as she had earlier done in her books ‘Book of Love’ and ‘Alcheringa’]. [I naturally concurred, but don’t know the publishing status of that newest book].
The ’symbols’ were obviously of great interest to these other beings carrying out their ‘surveillance’ and it was probably the resolve of the group of us that afternoon, that the symbols be taken to Central Australia – specifically near Uluru and Kata Tjuta – to do ceremony whilst displaying the symbols to the skies.
[So where are the symbols now? At that time, the late Robert Brennan was a leading member of the group and I think he provided the canvas circles, paints and brushes. I believe he was the last person to have the painted symbols after this trip; he died shortly after and who knows where they ended up.
Quite separately, I did a photographic session with Valerie one day at her place to produce a complete visual record of each symbol for posterity; perhaps those images may be included in her final book being published at the time of her passing earlier this year of 2022 – as she had rung me seeking my permission to use any of my photos which I naturally gave.
See separate module :’Extraterrestrial Origins’ module for a full coloured photographic record of the symbols.
A date was agreed on in that September of 1995 for those interested to meet at Yulara Camping Ground, and Rosemary and I decided to drive there in my long-wheelbase Toyota camper van. This was no small undertaking as the distances are considerable (approximately 2,800+km) so it took us 2-3 very long days to get there.
[Now in 2022, I reflect back that I don’t think that anyone in our group sought permission from the Anangu First Nations people of that area to carry out such ceremony: it simply wasn’t in European consciousness in that era (1995) to seek permission. For all the good intent, it was frankly ignorant and almost arrogant of us all to just go ahead without any prior consultation; more on that shortly.]
After we’d all been there a day or so including walking/driving by Uluru and through Kata Tjuta, we set out in convoy (maybe 10+ of us) one evening after dark to go to the Kata Tjuta viewing platform. There, all the symbols were laid out under the night sky and a ceremony was conducted accompanied by vocal toning after which there was probably a period of silent meditation and maybe some channelling from eg Valerie Barrow/Rosemary as ‘mediums’. I don’t remember, all this time later, exactly what occurred other than that: I simply trusted the guidance that those with more finely tuned psychic senses were receiving – knowing that they were also folks of good faith and intent.
The next morning, Valerie and Rosemary were summoned to the office of the National Park Superintendent who must have assumed they were the leaders/organizers of our small group, and severely chastised them for what had occurred the previous evening: just how he got to know was anyone’s guess, but maybe a Park Ranger doing evening patrol of the Park had observed from a distance what was happening or the Anangu First Nations people of that country had lodged a complaint.
They were instructed that no such further activities were to take place within Park boundaries (which was the extent of his jurisdiction).
They reportedly apologised as there had obviously been no intent to offend or cause harm in any way.
As they left his office, a man sitting outside introduced himself; it was a man who they had heard a lot about in connection with Central Australia. They told him all about what had happened and he offered to take us all to a location that evening outside the Park boundaries. Valerie and Rosemary eagerly accepted, and around sunset, we all drove in a small convoy of cars following his vehicle out beyond the Park boundaries.
He pulled off the dirt road, jumped out, and headed into the scrub up and along the side of a sand dune characterised by incredibly spiny Porcupine Bush: he wore no shoes/was in bare feet despite the spines, and played a didgeridoo as he walked, leading his wife, their dog, and our shoe-clad selves endeavouring to keep pace.
We went along the spine of the sand dune, then, where it dropped away, he, his wife and dog sat themselves down – and then we saw why: off slightly to our left was Uluru in the distance, magnificent in the light of the just-set sun, with Kata Tjuta further away to the right, also magnificent.
We respectfully settled ourselves down in a couple of rows behind them – theatre style, and everyone went quiet beholding the view, evening sky appearing and bushland night-time sounds….
…when it happened… Rosemary firstly etherically saw, once again (as she had that morning upon waking at our campsite), the ‘giantess’- who she described as a huge Aboriginal woman, and who Valerie had assured her had no ill intent.
Then he (who’d had his back to us, and had been silent) started to rise slowly up from his sitting position and turn around towards us, writhing, snake-like, and moved slowly amongst us blowing into our crown chakras and hissing gently: it reportedly was Baiame (the rainbow serpent who had overtaken him) and was blessing us/conferring energies.
He then glided back to resume the same previous sitting position next to his wife and we all stayed silent. He rose again, turned to walk past us leading his wife and dog, politely bade us all ‘Good evening’ and went back to where their vehicle was parked at the foot of the dune. When we all filed silently past some time later returning to our vehicles, they had a fire going and were cooking dinner.
It was all absolutely extraordinary and unforgettable.
On our return trip, we stayed our last night in a motel in Hay in the NSW Riverina, and the next day, headed for Sydney. But I had a surprise for Rosemary: I turned right near Yass and went into Canberra where I knew the annual Floriade Flower Festival was happening. It was utterly delightful with massive displays of brilliantly coloured flowers – and then I drove back to Sydney – all in that one very long but magical day.
The Kariong Hieroglyphs
In the early 1990’s, there was a regular gathering in the southern suburbs of Sydney at which a man would ‘channel’ various beings/entities (this was where I first met Valerie via her emerald & gold ring that Sai Baba had manifested for her: see ‘Sai Baba’ module).
One evening after the channelling, a man called Len was showing a few of us some colour print photos of the Kariong glyphs which were fascinating. Unbeknownst to me, the following series of events occurred in following days.
One of the ladies who had seen the photos called Rosemary and suggested that they and another lady friend should try to find the glyphs and see for themselves. So, on the following Sunday morning, they picked R. up from her home in North Sydney and started driving. What is reported as ensuing is frankly astonishing (and incidentally a tribute to Rosemary’s psychic abilities, pure trust with pure intent, plus the guidance of Spirit).
As they headed firstly west from Sydney, but then north up the freeway from Sydney (as directed by Rosemary), they realised they actually had no idea how to find the glyphs and all turned to Rosemary (as clairvoyant/clairsentient/clairaudient) and said where do we go next?
Rosemary apparently said she had no idea then suddenly told the driver to take an approaching exit off the freeway.
They were then presented with various directional signs – one of which said ‘The Forest of Tranquillity’ – and it was decided to head there. They parked at the entry to the Forest and started walking – eventually all sitting down on a path-side bench seat to rest – and wondering what on earth they were doing there.
“There’s Len !!!” one of them suddenly exclaimed, seeing a man some distance away amongst the trees on another path. They ran after him, and on catching up, re-introduced themselves from the earlier viewing of his photos, explained why they were there and where were the glyphs please?
Len, presumably astonished at what had ensued, explained that the glyphs were a short distance away at Kariong and agreed to take them straight there.
(PostScript: One the group subsequently re-visited the glyphs with others, and, whilst pushing the man ahead of her through the narrow opening into the glyphs gallery area, thought what a nice backside he had: Rosemary and I went to their wedding some years later!!!)
I got to subsequently visit the site a couple of times – once with Rosemary and our now-passed First Nations friend Gerry Bostock the renowned healer (who helped us through some ego-based personally challenging times – one by getting us to jointly embrace a mother tree – a huge Angophora costata and who, in 1998, walked Rosemary down the aisle at our wedding). Another time was with Valerie Barrow and others who were convinced that this ‘gallery’ of rockface carvings of quasi-Egyptian hieroglyphs and apparent small spacecraft were a record of a visitation to Earth about 900,000 years ago of a huge spacecraft called ‘The Rexagina’.
It is felt that it was bringing new humanoid beings to this planet and that it was attacked and crashed into what is now called Brisbane Water. Some survived the attack and arrived in smaller craft.
Rather than go into any further detail, I highly recommend you to read the fine book by Valerie Barrow entitled ‘Alcheringa –When The First Ancestors Were Created’.
Please refer the separate module :’Extraterrestrial Origins’ for photos of the glyphs.
Rosemary remembers being on that craft and it is interesting that she was born’ Rosemary Rex’ in this current life. When I say ’remember’, Valerie used to carry out regression sessions with each of us by sitting us in one of 2 energy vortices they had at home – one adjacent to the breakfast bar and the other out in the guest accommodation annexe in a specific location.
She would sit you comfortably, ask you to close your eyes, and start to talk back of the time of The Rexagina coming to see what memories may be evoked. With myself and others, there were lucid full-colour remembrances of various sequences that all cross-referenced perfectly when Valerie reviewed them later.
When I say ‘us’, you’ll find a group photo of most of us gathered at ‘Alcheringa’ that’s in the back of the ‘Alcheringa’ book. So how did we all come together ? Very interesting random process in which, for example, I would encounter someone at eg a service station or a supermarket and find myself recommending they get in contact with Valerie – who then took it from there. But come together we did.
The Academy is Born
Following Rosemary’s extraordinary rendezvous with Archangel Michael on Maui in Hawaii in 1993 (Please refer separate module: ’Archangel Michael and The Southern Cross Academy of Light’), she had indeed “…created a space” and hired a hall for like-minded folk to gather once a week for meditation, but there was much more yet to play out.
She got to meet an enthusiastic lady and husband who had roughly similar visions about a spiritual organization and the 4 of us got to the point, at one stage ,of trying to buy a small property just south of Maleny in Queensland – seeing this as a headquarters. But it was not to be.
We also teamed up with a Sydney lady prominent in the fields of corporate governance and probity (let’s call her ‘Susan’ for ease of reference: not her real name) who had similar visions of such an organization and we started to develop Aims, Objectives and Principles. During one think-tank session, I was clearly given three Principles (which I now sense may have come from Master Kuthumi?):
- The only authority is one’s Heart
- If all come to give, then all shall receive
- Cooperation, not competition
To just briefly contemplate these:
- Vedanta (I believe) teaches (amongst other things) that the heart is the direct connection to God/the means to self-knowledge (ie despite whatever legal/legislative/judicial systems may be set up, the heart is the only true way of knowing what is righteous). (The Dalai Lama – the incarnate Avalokiteshvara: The Buddha of Compassion came to me once in sleep teaching me about this.)
- In the West, there is bred an attitude of ‘What’s in it for me?’ as the means of deciding whether to attend a function/act in any situation rather that an approach of ‘What can I contribute?’
- In Western society, one is brainwashed that competition is healthy for business/sport etc and so that attitude pervades consciousness such that it can affect every activity; cooperation surely has a more lovingly supportive attitude that should always lead to a ‘win/win/ outcome.
Moving into 1996, we decided to officially register a business name and I went to the Office of Fair Trading in Sydney to do so – hoping to register the name ‘Academy of Light’. The lady at the counter refused to do so as she said others had already done so/had very similar names.
I stepped out into the hallway and rang ‘Susan’ who coincidentally was taking a break from a conference and told her what was happening. She went quiet, then said:
“Ask if we can have the name ‘The Southern Cross Academy of Light’?”
I did, and found indeed we could, so that became the name – thanks to ‘Susan’s’ inspirational guidance.
Shortly after, we decided to hold a conference in Canberra, hired a venue, and widely advertised (remembering that the Internet was not yet available). Some 50 + people from all over Australia attended this 2 day event which had a range of speakers on different topics plus, naturally, a plenary session which focused on identifying what those present felt were the most pressing needs spiritually for such an organisation to aspire to satisfy.
The Aims, Objectives and Principles were clarified, along with committing to the intent to hold regular gatherings initially in Neutral Bay Sydney presenting a wide range of speakers. Each gathering would start with a protective invocation, meditation followed by the speaker/presenter for the evening and finally refreshments.
We also commenced in 1996 publishing a quarterly magazine which Spirit/Sai Baba had named: ‘Shining BRIGHT’ (as more fully explained in the module: ‘Jacaranda Haven’) containing inspirational articles on alternate therapies, consciousness expansion, spirituality and such like.
This grew from humble beginnings as a small, black and white edition to then more pages on better quality paper and inevitably to colour and black and white on high quality paper. There were 33 hardcopy issues in all of the better quality editions, until it ceased publication in 2010 due to increasing costs – all of which can be accessed elsewhere on this present website. It was always free: no charge.
Administration for the Academy (known for short as SCAL) was initially carried out from our home, and then sharing of office space with members of our family who were book publishers: to them, our heartfelt thanks for that kind assistance for many years.
The Academy was unique as a not-for-profit organization initially run mostly by volunteers that was not affiliated with any other group/religion/organization and hence was totally independent in its activities.
Likewise the magazine, and SCAL’s reputation for such, placed it in a unique position that attracted increasing numbers of meeting attendees and presenters from around the world. It hosted, (and continues to host as its new form as AOL) a broad range of such presenters, original thinkers, writers and performers.
At the peak of its activities in the early 2000’s, it had numerous branches around NSW and one in Queensland (plus one lady hoping in vain to start such in London) many meeting in the premises of other eg alternate therapy businesses.
We realised in 2003 that we needed to ask other like-minded leaders in various professions to form a Core Group, and a meeting of those was held at our house at which it was agreed to do so.
The 2 lawyers and myself worked on the Constitution and other legal documentation necessary to register SCAL as a not-for-profit organization with deductible gift recipient status to encourage donations.
A substantial amount of work and effort was expended, but sadly it was not to be, as a majority of the Core Group wanted to ditch the magazine as a ‘loss leader’ which Rosemary vehemently opposed and the Group then dissolved.
Little by little, the branches dropped away until finally there was just the Sydney gathering weekly, now fortnightly (severely constrained for a while in recent times 2021+ by the COVID pandemic restrictions).
Rosemary used to pay for the cost of each issue on her credit card, then get very stressed – always trusting to eventually get fully reimbursed by advertising revenue, and occasional donations/tithing.
One unforgettable day in 2005/6, a lady waiting in our loungeroom to have a session with a visiting therapist/healer complimented Rosemary about the wonderful work that SCAL did and spontaneously gave the Academy, via her, a cheque for $10,000!! Which wonderfully covered the costs of a couple of issues. Thank you SO MUCH to that lady for such generosity!!
From not long after its inception in 1996 to 2002, Rosemary worked on Academy administration either from our rented home PC and phone or kindly in shared business premises with New Frontier Publishing until in 2003, the Academy became so busy that we had to set up a home office. From then until we finally moved fulltime to the country in 2017, Rosemary worked regularly with others in the Academy office in between doing her own one-on-one therapy/counselling sessions: in the early years, she was doing up to 4 or 5 sessions a day, plus the Academy administration, plus housework, plus family – especially her progressively aging mother.
It is really a story of immense dedication to her calling of serving others – which in turn inspired others to also assist in the office/at meetings/at workshops etc.
To all those, she (and I) remain eternally grateful.
Rosemary’s Psychic Faculties
To step back momentarily, when we first met in 1992, she was working in her brother’s perfumery shop in Mosman where he and Beatrix, the manageress, allowed her to also use a back room to set up a massage table for remedial massage sessions (she was qualified in remedial massage and Reiki) that inevitably included spiritual guidance. Demand for these sessions increased due to the quality of counselling and healing that was coming through her so they had to be limited so that she still spent adequate time in the shop. But even there, she occasionally was guided to pass on messages to customers – such as the lady standing at the counter who Rosemary saw clairvoyantly had a young man standing etherically behind her.
Rosemary reportedly discreetly took the lady to the far end of the shop, told her of her psychic abilities and asked about the young man. It turned out that it was the lady’s son who had recently died and wished to pass on an important message to his bereaved mother which reportedly brought her much joy and closure… and a better understanding of what ‘death’ is.
How We can All Learn from Such Experiences
Michelle and Rob
I was with Rosemary in Tasmania in 2005 when an almost identical situation presented itself.
And it unfolded like this…
We had just arrived at a holiday cottage at Freshwater Point (just north of Launceston) on a historic estate (formerly part of the once largest apple orchard in the Southern Hemisphere where sailing ships would load apples at the wharf on the encircling River Tamar), when there was a knock at the door and Rosemary opened it to find a pleasant lady standing there with a woven cane basket over her arm containing something wrapped in a tea towel:
“Hello, my name’s Michelle and I’m the manager here. We always greet new guests with a loaf of freshly baked bread”.
“Hello” replied Rosemary, “and I’m a medium!”
I swiftly appeared behind her to diffuse the situation, saying:
“And I’m John and I’m an extra large” (not my joke: originally from the son of the late Valerie Barrow – also a ‘medium’).
Rosemary went on to explain:
“I can see a young man standing behind you who has a message for you”.
Michelle instantly dissolved into tears, and Rosemary took her by the arm to sit out in the garden on a bench seat to explain to her further.
It turned out that her son’s best friend and himself were killed in a car accident recently in which the friend was driving and Michelle blamed the latter for causing the death of her son.
Her son needed to tell Michelle that, as long as she did so, he was stuck and could not move on. He was there to ask her to forgive his friend for what had occurred. Forgiveness was what was needed.
During the time we were there, I feel that Rosemary probably continued to provide guidance to both her and her husband Rob to assist them in fully processing what had happened and was now needed. (We also went back 12 months later for another holiday at this wonderful place during which there was more guidance from Rosemary; reportedly, the property has now been sold).
Michelle and Rob were so moved by what happened that, when they relocated to Melbourne some time later, they set up a support group for similarly bereaved relatives especially parents to help guide others.
In 2012, a regular client of Rosemary’s for a number of years, Anna Rapisarda developed cancer. She was a born worrier, and continually worried about everything and anything eg she obsessed whether the new extension to her house should have 2 back steps or 3 back steps… you see what I mean. And hugely stressful for her husband and 2 children…
Rosemary kept warning her of the potential consequences to her physical health from the constant complaining and obsessing, but to no avail. At the peak of her illness, she would come to Crows Nest on Wednesday nights where Rosemary was running a meditation group, but would lie under a rug in an adjacent room (too ill to sit up with the group) and I would sit next to her doing Tonglen healing for an hour non-stop… but to no avail.
Towards the end of that year, she passed and we attended the Catholic funeral concluding with the hearse leaving slowly to take the coffin to the cemetery.
A couple of days later, Anna etherically ‘arrived’ at our place – complaining to Rosemary that as she walked around their home, everyone was ignoring her… Rosemary explained that her physical body had died and that she must now seek, and go to ’The Light’.
Some months passed when Anna suddenly presented her etheric self to Rosemary once again to explain what was happening for her. She was going regularly to a beautiful Grecian-styled white temple for learning where all the communication was by sounds (not words) and how much she was enjoying it. And then she told Rosemary:
“It wasn’t the emotional charge/thoughtforms of all the worrying and obsessing that killed my physical body: it was the sound of all that!”
(Rosemary has explained to me that the recently-deceased can perceive her psychic abilities from the ‘the other side’ and use her to communicate with bereaved relatives: this has happened on a number of times over the decades, and will often happen eg when a newly-bereaved client ‘phones her for a ‘phone session. It also happens eg at funerals where Rosemary can etherically see the deceased attending their own physical funeral).
At the end of 2016, I attended the funeral of my friend Mike Williamson (see module ‘Jacaranda Haven’) at a Catholic Church in Gladesville, Sydney, watched his coffin driven slowly away, and then drove half an hour back home to our rented accommodation in North Willoughby where Rosemary greeted me, saying that Mike had been there etherically with her about an hour previously – distressed and confused as to what was happening: she was able to assure him that his physical body had ‘died’ and that it was now time to go to ‘The Light’ which I believe she assisted him to do.
Dearest Michael: a wonderful man!
On the Move
In 1996, Rosemary courageously moved out from living with her brother Grahame in North Sydney to take a home unit in Cremorne which belonged to her manageress Beatrix and husband Slawic. I say ‘courageously’ because she was still a single woman working at the shop, plus seeing clients for counselling/healing/massage and did not earn a lot collectively from such. Even though we were ‘an item’, I couldn’t financially contribute yet as I had little money, no job, and was living at my mother’s place/my office. I recall she staged a workshop at home one weekend and earned enough to pay the next month’s rent, but it was still an exercise in trust.
As I have recounted in another module (‘1996-A Seminal Year’), around this time I applied for, and was successful, in gaining employment at North Sydney Council starting at the end of February 1997 so, once employed and hence able to contribute, I moved into Cremorne with Rosemary… which was yet again proof that her trust was well-placed!
One Saturday morning at breakfast, Rosemary said something about being married, to which I stated something like:
“But it’s as though we are married because we are a committed couple”…
Well!! Was that red rag to a bull ?? – so to speak!! …and so this is what immediately eventuated:
I went that Saturday over to my former office at my mother’s house (probably cleaning up relics from my former design practice). All day, I felt this increasingly overwhelming, powerful energy that was inexorably compelling me to do put something right. I knew what Sai Baba was commanding me to do…
When Rosemary walked in later at Cremorne, I immediately asked her to marry me, to which she said “YES !!!”
(She later admitted that for one mad moment, she was tempted to say “No”, but swiftly realised she had better say “Yes” in case I never asked her again!!!).
Swami was NOT going to permit me to pretend we were ‘married’ when we actually weren’t!!!
After living there for some time, we moved in 1998 to a large 2 storey house in North Narrabeen at which point, she ceased working in the Mosman shop as she was becoming increasingly busy with one-on-one clients at home in her dedicated healing room. The house had a very high, vaulted roof with an open plan kitchen and living space, opening onto an enclosed verandah – which created a marvellous sense of space BUT was unfortunately built on a steep, south-facing slope accessed by at least 39 steps down from Carefree Road (we loved that name)! and suffered from damp problems underneath after wet weather (I lost all of my coloured slides collection to damp & mould, but maybe it was time for them to go …).
On 22nd November 1998, (as close as possible to Sai Baba’s birthday on 23 November), we were married in Crows Nest with the late proud Bundjalung elder, healer and close friend of Rosemary, Gerry Bostock dressed in a magnificent First Nations’ people’s cloak, walking her ‘down the aisle’ to give her away to me (as her father Reg had died some years earlier).
We held the self-catered reception in this house (Hint: Brides – don’t EVER try this on your wedding day, only to come home and start putting food to heat in the oven whilst still in your wedding dress, because you never thought to ask anyone else to help!!!) – had lots of different people visit either to stay or socially, so it carries many happy memories.
In June 1999, we went to India as I had been commanded by Sai Baba in sleep to:
“Call Me in Puttaparthi” (see module: Sai Baba). A miraculous and unforgettable journey.
In about 2000, we moved ‘up the hill’ as it were, to rent a house at Elanora Heights owned by members of our family which enjoyed panoramic views over Narrabeen Lake. As always, Rosemary had one of the bedrooms as a dedicated healing room close to the front door for ease of client access. Again, it was built on a steep site with a downstairs rumpus room that Rosemary and others got to use as workshop space… and way down below the block, a small in-ground swimming pool.
Enter Josephine
Not long after we moved in, Rosemary’s daughter-in-law Kerry says she was online Christmas shopping one day when she accidentally hit a ‘wrong’ key when an advertisement appeared on the screen for a long-haired pure bred Burman cat called ‘Jade’. Kerry instantly thought of Rosemary and that she might love to have a cat now that she had a ‘home’ albeit rented.
She found out where that cat was and that it had been fully vaccinated. We then went the next day out to the cattery at Grose Vale (west of Sydney) where we discovered that she had a slightly-turned eye and hence they did not want to breed from her: she had become a ‘house pet’ but the owners were becoming overwhelmed by the number of cats and dogs they had as ‘house pets’ – hence offering her for sale.
We fell in love with her instantly, and asked them to keep her until we returned from an already-booked holiday.
On our return, Kerry very kindly picked up ‘Jade’ and brought her to us, to save us the trip. Just after Kerry left, a client of Rosemary’s arrived for a session and knocked on the front door. ’Jade’ went to the door and waited, then followed the lady to the healing room. Rosemary says that, when she lay down on the massage table, ‘Jade’ jumped up lightly, walked to a specific area on the lady and curled up there. The client then told Rosemary that that was exactly where she was having pain/an issue.
And so a remarkable association was unveiled – whereby ‘Jade’ would repeat this routine time and time again – giving healing to specific areas. And she would pick and choose which clients she would come into the healing room for: if Rosemary ever went ahead shutting the door ahead of her, she would go and scratch on the door to be let in. Sometimes, I believe, she would just curl up on the centre of the rug beneath the table – directly below the prostrate client.
At this time, Rosemary was also being hired by a friend of ours to clairvoyantly/-sentiently/-audiently bring through information for a book she was researching, though I believe it was mainly ‘channelling’ whereby Rosemary would perform a protective invocation and allow Ascended Masters (mainly, I believe, Masters Kuthumi and St Germaine) to speak through her.
In one such session, the friend asked via St Germaine about ‘Jade’ and was told that she (‘Jade’) and Rosemary had formerly worked together healing”… in The Temple of Bast in Ancient Egypt, and had now re-united to work again together doing healing”.
When I looked up the Internet, I discovered that there was a Temple of Bast and that she was a goddess associated with fertility…originally depicted as a lioness and later as a cat… “She is the Egyptian goddess of the home, domesticity, women’s secrets, cats, fertility and childbirth. She protected the home from evil spirits and disease, especially those associated with women and children”.
One of the most extraordinary events we witnessed with ‘Jade’ occurred one weekend at the Elanora Heights house when Rosemary and a friend were conducting a workshop on a warm day. Everyone was hence in bare feet, and Rosemary stubbed a big toe not just once, but twice really badly: she collapsed screaming/crying in acute pain on the lounge. I sprinted past her to the kitchen to get a bag of frozen peas/ice and in transit, swept up ‘Jade’ dropping her on the lounge at Rosemary’s feet, commanding:
“Do your stuff !!”
As I came back into the loungeroom, there was a group of workshop participants staring down in stunned silence – broken only by Rosemary’s sobbing: there was ‘Jade’, lying there – actually holding the injured toe between her two front paws, obviously giving her soothing healing energy!!! It was simply amazing …
Some weeks later, Rosemary called me to the bedroom one day where she was resting:
“Your father is here!” then something about he/my mother dancing through a field of daffodils, then:
“The cat’s name is ‘Josephine’, not ‘Jade’” which instantly resonated with both of us because ‘Jade’ just wasn’t right. And so from there on (2000), until she passed over in 2016, her name was ‘Josephine’.
She was an integral part of our household wherever we lived. And we had great fun also with her: when in a 2 storey townhouse in Killarney Heights, she would let Rosemary get part way up the stairs when going up for her shower before bedtime – then at the last split-second, she would sprint up the stairs, overtake Rosemary and land on the bed ahead of her.
In her later years, she would every night slip between the sheets and curl up snuggled up against me lying in the foetal position – and sleep there all night.
When I got up in the morning, she would simply wriggle across to assume the same position with the still sleeping Rosemary (of which there is a wonderful photo on our sideboard)!
When we had to call the vet to put her down in 2016 due to ill health, we openly wept to lose such a close friend.
Vale Josephine… but we surely shall meet again.
Sai Baba Calls
Rosemary says that in the early 1990’s and as a single woman, she decided to investigate ‘spirituality’ and started going to meetings and groups. At one such meeting led by a lady called Jo Buchanan, she saw a photo of a man with lots of black hair who she was instantly drawn to and asked who it was.
“Sai Baba” was the answer.
She says that, within a week, she made further enquiries and was booked to joins a group leaving from Queensland to go to India to Sai Baba. All within one week…
Without a doubt, Swami had ‘called her’: whilst others are directly commanded (eg myself in sleep) to go to Him when He is ready for you/you are ready for Him, Rosemary had only to see His photograph. That was His way of calling her. And yet again, she trusted… (He once said that every person of the probably millions who came to India to be with Him only came at His calling).
She befriended a lady in the group called Irene from Brisbane which gave her greater re-assurance, and the two got on really well – remaining friends for many years afterwards. The group arrived in India where they were booked into a budget Bangalore hotel and allocated rooms to share with others eg average 3 per room. She and Irene recall with much hilarity how one of their room companions whilst the group were in India used to periodically do full-on karate complete with shouts and grunts whilst still hard asleep lying supine on her bed!
Rosemary also recalls that one of her room companions snored very loudly the first night in Bangalore and so Rosemary tried stuffing her ear canals with toilet paper as acoustic plugs… but to no avail… and so in the early hours of the morning, desperate to get some sleep and very hot, she went down to see the night clerk…
Now, in India, women are culturally required to dress very modestly at all times…
One can imagine the night clerk’s reaction when Rosemary appeared like an apparition barefoot, bare arms, in a flimsy Western style nightdress, and with streamers of toilet paper flowing out of each ear..
I don’t think she got an alternative room!
In India, Swami used to move (often without any/much warning) between 3 main ashrams: Prasthanti Nilyam (The Abode of Supreme Peace) in Puttaparthi, Brindavan in the village of Kadugodi near Bangalore (often called Whitefield), and Kodaikanal (a hill station in mountains in Tamil Naidu).
Hence, those visiting had to be on their toes as it were, as, while Swami tended apparently to have a regular routine, the timing of moving on to the next ashram could vary.
Rosemary got to visit Swami in India on 5 occasions: one with the afore-mentioned group mainly from Queensland, twice with a lady friend, once with myself in 1999 (when I had been commanded in sleep in Sydney by Him: ”Call Me in Puttaparthi”, and the other with a group led by a friend and Pranic Healing teacher of ours, Kim Fraser (later known as Shakti Durga) which Rosemary’s daughter also went to.
[I remember the evening in early 2000’s when Rosemary and I bumped into Kim and her husband Hugh in the lobby of The Crows Nest Centre: Rosemary suddenly said to Kim that she had a major spiritual event not far ahead which would have a major impact on their lives. Kim (who had taught us and others Pranic Healing, and who was highly clairvoyant plus a very powerful healer, once much to my benefit as explained elsewhere in the module ‘Healing’) indeed some time later experienced a powerful spiritual awakening which resulted in her being named ‘Shakti Durga’ and setting up a spiritual education and charitable organization that we hear has grown considerably over the years since)
When attending any of the ashrams, the routine (as far as I observed) seemed to be that, after the Aumkar (21 Aums) sung before sunrise by early-rising devotees, morning darshan would typically commence with getting everyone seated (ladies on one side and men on the other) in the mandir (open-sided auditorium) followed by musicians & lead singers seated at the very front leading amplified bhajans (sacred songs).
Swami would then arrive and walk very slowly amongst all the assembled devotees smilingly giving of His powerful loving energy. Many would offer Him letters – some of which He accepted and some rejected: acceptance was said to be confirmation of His acceptance of the wishes written therein. Occasionally, He might stop to speak to an individual/group (each group wore their own distinctively coloured/patterned scarves around their shoulders over their white punjabis to identify them as members of the same group).
He might occasionally rotate His right hand three times and manifest vibhuti (sacred perfumed ash) to give to devotees or even, on rare occasions, a ring or pendant. Also, He might command an individual/group to go to His Interview Room where He would meet with them after darshan to talk with them – often also manifesting sacred objects.
At afternoon darshan, rather than walk amongst the assembled devotees, Swami would often/always give a discourse – maybe in Telegu (His native language) with it being simultaneously translated into English.
On one of the trips she went on with other(s), Rosemary read one day about the phenomenon of ‘padnamaskar’ (the laying of one’s hands on Swami’s feet) and decided the next day at morning darshan to offer her ego up to God at Swami’s feet.
She recalls that Swami was a very long way off from where she was seated when she closed her eyes, and from the heart, earnestly prayed:
“Swami, I wish to lay my ego at your feet!”
With that, she opened her eyes, and was astonished to see Swami standing right in front of her, smiling down at her, offering His feet – although it was seemingly impossible for Him to have got to her so quickly.
She instantly bowed forward, placing her hands on His bare feet for what must have seemed like an eternity.
She says she then sat up, with tears of joy and gratitude flowing down her cheeks, looking up at Him with loving gratitude. And continued to cry joyfully… so much so that apparently Swami came nearby a short time later and looked at her quizzically as if to say:
“Why are you still crying?”
In 1999, Swami appeared in my sleep one night in a full-colour ‘lucid’ dream state. There was a crowd of white-clad people who had parted to allow Him to start mounting a wide flight of stairs. He stopped on the first step, turned around and pointed directly at me, commanding:
“Call Me in Puttaparthi!”
On waking, I told Rosemary and we immediately started to plan a trip to India so that I could obey this command. In June, we flew to Bangalore and spent the first 2 weeks or so in daily attendance at His ashram at Brindavan.
Suddenly, we heard that He was going to Puttaparthi, and hired a taxi to take us. We discovered on the way that we were following just a short time behind His car, then when He stopped to bless a new temple, we went on ahead carefully avoiding driving over beautiful mandalas of brilliantly coloured flowers that villagers had created on the roadway to greet their Lord. As we entered Puttaparthi, His devoted elephant, Sai Gita, was waiting by the roadside to greet Him- sweeping the road from side to side with a large palm frond. As Swami’s car drove down the main street in Puttaparthi, devotees smashed coconuts on the road before that car.
At darshan the next morning, Swami walked slowly amongst the thousands of seated devotees for a seeming eternity with me constantly praying and silently beseeching that”… I am here: I have come as You commanded”. Even when He came within eye contact distance, He appeared to totally ignore my gaze and silent prayers and then slowly exited the mandir.
Devastated at seemingly no response from Swami, I surrendered, and that was what was needed to happen at that juncture: we checked out of our hotel and got back into our taxi for the trip back to Bangalore as we had plane flights booked through to Sydney for I had to return to work.
Heading slowly up the main street weaving amongst the multitude of devotees, our taxi suddenly stopped and 2 white-coated men jumped in the front seat next to our driver Narayana. I started to protest when he turned to us in the back seat and said that these were Swami’s bodyguards who had travelled with Him yesterday and now needed to get back to Bangalore. I instantly ceased my protest and welcomed them who I noticed were smiling broadly as though they knew something else was afoot.
Off we went again, when suddenly the one in the middle half-turned and handed both Rosemary and I a packet of vibhuti each and for me, a gold and blue coloured ballpoint pen – saying that they had just left Swami who had asked them to pass these gifts from Him to us.
Instantly, Swami spoke telepathically to me saying: “The vibhuti will help your eyes”. To explain: I have had pigmentary glaucoma being managed by optometrists and specialists for decades, and as I looked out the car window with tears of gratitude pouring down my face, I felt His immense love. Rosemary also was probably crying in gratitude because she had been praying to Swami for vibhuti.
And I knew deep down in retrospect, what transpired was all because of my SURRENDERING…
As for the leela of the gifted gold and blue coloured pen, I was wearing right then in the taxi a gold and blue coloured shirt (as this had been a favourite colour combination for me for many years – probably from Ancient Egyptian lives): Swami has such fun doing things in a playful way but always with a message: “What do you use a pen for? “ “ You write with it” …and I am embarrassed to admit, it has taken me 23 years to wake up to what He was telling me to do by the gift of that pen in June 1999.
WRITE !!! Which I am currently – doing constantly requesting His ongoing guidance – with this Anthology… after all these years!!
[The full version of this story can be found in the module ‘Sai Baba’ elsewhere in this Anthology].
The principal qualities that continue to characterise Rosemary are those of compassion & service to others and trust. Using her God-given talents of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, she continues to counsel those in need physically/emotionally/
mentally and spiritually mainly, these days, by phone and occasionally in person – always calling on Sai Baba to be present and guide her.
[Post Script 23.3.23: She was doing a phone session with a lady today who needs to go forth as a public speaker: Rosemary shared with me that towards the end of the session, she could clairvoyantly see fine golden threads like violin strings forming in the client’s throat – at which point Sai Baba said clearly to her: ”How can she speak about The Golden Age if her throat doesn’t match that vibration?”]
Post Script June 2023: Her 31 year old cerebral palsy grandson Luke had been in hospital and latterly, in the ICU in London, for a long time suffering terribly. When he finally passed, I felt a huge sense of relief for him being freed at last from that crippled physical body. Rosemary’s late mother Hazel came to her telepathically that evening to say that Luke’s soul was being ‘healed’ as the hospital’s medical team concentrated allopathic focus on preserving the physical had not also nourished his soul. Hazel explained to Rosemary that she and others in the spirit realms were therefore actively ‘healing his soul’ and Luke has since come to Rosemary expressing his gratitude for her all her prayers, and saying that he/his soul is much better now.
[I write more extensively about the importance of creating and sustaining a gentle, nurturing environment with music/perfume/lighting/prayers etc for those preparing to cross over in a separate module in this series: ’Death and Dying’].
Over the three decades I have known her, clients have included a former Australian Prime Minister (don’t ask who! – as that remains confidential for all time), senior police (again, no asking who), professional people from all walks of life, and just anyone at all who is in need. She has counselled/guided people all round the globe including USA, UK, France, Hong Kong, Japan as well as Australia-wide. She doesn’t need to advertise as “…her reputation precedes her” as the saying goes.
As demonstrated so clearly on numerous occasions, her trust in God and Sai Baba is unshakeable.
Always acting from her intuition and guidance, such trust has never let her down.
With the COVID pandemic, she started leading monthly ZOOM online guided meditations which were recorded and then made available online. She also has recorded a number of other guided meditations which are likewise available.
Some years ago, she authored a book’ How To Move Forward – Let Your Thoughts Go’ which is readily available mainly in hard copy and is a daily workbook which many who have read it, and worked through it, highly recommend.
Rosemary can be contacted at:
[Last updated: 4.1.2023]