Original artwork Debra Daya Netkin



Dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Who continues to be my Guiding Light

“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”
[Divine decree received 2010]

‘Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be changed from one form to another.
Everything is energy and that is all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality you want,
And you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy;
This is physics’

[Albert Einstein]

Why these Writings?

On completion of the Labyrinth here at Jacaranda Haven in 2010, I walked it on my own for the first time and then stood – silent and empty- in the centre. A loud voice spoke telepathically to me:

“You are a child of God, and it is your God-given role to help others to remember that they are also children of God”

Sai Baba had gifted me a pen and vibhuti (sacred ash) whilst leaving Puttaparthi in 1999, renowned psychic Joan Moylan had told me in 1998 to write, and psychic Jennifer Starlight conveyed to me from Spirit in early 2022 that I was meant to write…but what ?

And then I realised that all I could write about to assist others on their paths was my own experiences, teachings and learnings in order  to “…help others to remember that they are also children of God”. Hence these autobiographical writings…


This is but one ‘module’ in this collection of autobiographical writings that I choose to call ‘modules’. Each one stands alone, but some cross-reference others. A completed book is a static thing once finished: however, these modules are flexible in that I can add to them at any time should new experiences/information comes to hand, and the reader can pick & choose which particular modules attract them. The collection of modules thereby constitutes an’ anthology’.

The intent of writing these is to share experiences and teachings that I have been blessed with along the way of a human incarnation – the ascent of consciousness – such that the reader may also benefit to illumine their own path/ascent to the ultimate inevitable goal for all humans: that of ‘self-realisation’.

Belief vs Truth

As a precursor to reading any of these Modules, there is a need to clarify the difference between ‘Belief’ and ‘Truth’: one may ‘believe’ eg it is raining outside by the sound on the roof, but when you actually see the rain falling/walk out and get wet, you actually then ‘know’ it is so – ie it is ‘true’, and so ‘belief’ about that instantly ceases.

Many go through life accumulating fixed ‘beliefs’ about people/things, and, as Krishnamurti taught:”… the moment you arrive at a conclusion/form an opinion/a belief, you block the possibility of further enquiry and discovery”.

So, a hot air balloon called ‘Ascent’ awaits: I invite you to climb into its basket with me, throw overboard the ballast of all those accumulated ‘beliefs/opinions’ you have acquired to feel safe, and therefore allow this balloon to rise free and drift to destinations unknown.

Because, otherwise, some of what you read herein may sorely challenge your accumulated beliefs…

Everything recounted within the Anthology is absolutely true, unless I have qualified otherwise.

John Stephen Butterworth


A wry note to begin (I found this when cleaning out old hard copy files ):

The Healer’s Prayer

Dear Lord,
So far today, I’m doing alright,
I have not gossiped, lost my temper,
Been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish,
Or over-indulgent…
I’m getting out of bed in a few minutes
And will need a lot more help after that.


This term ‘healing’ has been widely bandied about now for decades on Earth – indicating that there appears to be a vast need for ‘healing’ at many levels – personally (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually), within families, within countries/nations eg Australia between peoples of different cultures, and globally between nations.

In nature, in the complete absence of humans, there is perfection/natural order whereby natural processes occur without human interference…

Hence, the issue appears to lie solely with humanity: there are obviously human dysfunctionalities which cause pain/conflict/discomfort/disharmony …and there is also the fact of karma… [refer separate module Karma].

At a physical level, these are caused by the maltreatment of the human body by ingesting inappropriate substances – whether incorrect food/liquids/drugs, or injection of disharmonious substances, or inhalation of smoke, or exposure to extremely loud &/or disharmonious sound…and then repetition of these abuses in order to experience repetition of physical/mental/emotional pleasures…addictions…

At a mental/emotional level, individuals can feel that they are superior/inferior to others, be depressed, stressed, angry, fearful etc etc.

So where to from all of this?

Before going any further, allow me to once again re-emphasise that these writings are purely autobiographical: hence I shall only talk about what I’ve personally had contact/involvement with and from that, what understandings I have….

The Purpose of a Human Life

My understanding is that each of us is very privileged to have a human incarnation, that the purpose of a human life is to attain self-realisation, and that it only in a human body that this can be attained.

Sai Baba teaches that we should:

Love All, Serve All”, live our lives strictly in accordance with the Human Values of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Action and Non-violence and adhere to what he calls His WATCH principles:

       By continually monitoring our Words, Actions, Thoughts, Conduct and Heart.

But all this takes great discipline and constant awareness in the face of often turbulent circumstances – all/much of which circumstances are almost certainly karmic in origin.

“But no”, you might protest,  “ the circumstances  of this/that situation were not of my making”.

With great respect, I beg to differ because my perception/learning has been that everything that ‘happens to us ‘ in this life happens for a reason – the purpose being (at least) to learn.

To quote yet again Robin Miller (author of the ‘Jonathon’ books) when we ‘bumped into each other’ for a second time in just 2 weeks in 1996 (the first time in Boulder Colorado when I assisted him to carry his sound gear out from a performance, and the second in Sedona Arizona when I did the same again to carry in as he arrived at a venue) “…there are no coincidences”. 

It would indeed appear that every word, thought, action has an effect, a karmic effect which will be either propitious or otherwise depending on the nature of the intent…

True ‘Healing’

Where there is pure action – uncontaminated by motive/desire – ie ego-less, there is probably no ‘negative’ karmic residue. Whereas, a word/thought/deed initiated by an ego-driven motive may almost certainly generate such…

If one truly understands this Divine principle in its absolute perfection as one acting either in total harmony with God’s creation or otherwise can have a profound impact on one’s consciousness. As we hear so often, we live in a “…free will” zone here on Planet Earth; we choose what we think/say/do and hence generate the consequences arising from such.

And the understanding of that to very core of one’s being and then living accordingly is, I humbly submit, the ‘true ‘healing’…which also includes profound forgiveness: going back through your entire life, recalling every incident where you believed that someone ‘wronged’ you, sincerely asking (absently) for their forgiveness and also forgiving yourself for anything you may have done to others…as well as expressing gratitude for the learning gained from the experience…

Very powerful!! (Also see separate module:’Forgiveness’).

Karma on a Broader Scale

Sai Baba is quoted as once saying:

“God does not decree calamities such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, famine, epidemics etc. but man invites them by way of retribution for his own evil deeds.
Man’s own inhumanity to man expresses itself in the form of natural catastrophes”

(Source: Prasanthi Nilyam Diary 2022 – footnote June 17 2022).

The Best Way to cure Illnesses: Karma at work

In a Q & A session on 21.11.2019, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai answered a question about the relationship between illnesses and past karma, and how to heal these. 

In summary, He first explained how everything we experience is due to some karmic effect, either individually or collectively. In the process of interacting with people, all kinds of energies are accumulated. These energies stay with us throughout our lifetimes and eventually manifest physically.

He said that we can heal ourselves, first of all, by not cursing our illness, but rather by accepting it is there.

We should additionally purify our mind and entertain good thoughts, words and actions; because our mental health has a great effect on our physical health. When all our thoughts and ways are thus purified, we will naturally choose things that are healthier for us – be it our food, friends, actions; the benefits of these choices and actions always come back to us and manifest as good health and a peaceful, happy mind.

To watch that Q & A session: 

All ‘healing’ comes from God

The renowned US spiritual teacher and leader Connie Shaw has stated unequivocally that all healing comes from God. Of this, I have no doubt whatsoever, and understand that such healing only comes about when it is karmically appropriate. 

To expand some more: if you cut a finger, you naturally keep the wound as sterile as possible and fully expect it to heal 100% within a short time due to the natural action of your immune system. 

The healings that I refer to above as ‘karmically appropriate’ are more where someone is reported as ‘miraculously’ recovering/healed.

In the early-mid1990’s, I facilitated a ‘Sacred Sound’ program comprising meditation evenings, weekend workshops and one-on-one sound therapy & consciousness expansion sessions.

A couple of years ago, I was told that I had ‘healed’ a man of cancer at a country weekend workshop in the early 1990’s by an acquaintance of his – probably by vocal scanning & toning of his energy field. I have absolutely no memory of the particular incident – probably because he discovered some time later that the cancer was in remission/had gone… and I never heard anymore about it until told a couple of years ago…

It was obviously his time , as deemed by God, to be freed of this condition… I was just the ‘instrument’/’conduit’ being of service to another human being… I probably wasn’t even told at the time that he had cancer as he may well have kept that private…

So beware anyone claiming to be able to ‘heal’: be very discerning….

That said, there are individuals on the planet, through whom powerful healings are seen to occur eg John of God in South America, Andrew McKellar in Southern England.

Spiritual Healing with Andrew McKellar

Andrew (who incidentally has become a close cyber-friend of mine) openly explains (eg in his biography ‘Destined To Heal’ by Ros Jones, pub. GVJones Hampshire 2003) that 2 ‘spirit doctors’ a Dr Cotton and a Dr Williams , I seem to recall (at least) work through him (along with other ‘helpers’) when he holds his hands just above to affected part of a client’s body… and witnesses many so-called miraculous’ healings’. It should be also noted that Andrew has a very close relationship with Sai Baba.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

According to Jennifer Starlight, I was Andrew’s father in a former incarnation which would go a long way to explain the close bond we share (I became instantly emotional the moment she told me that) …How we were ‘re-united’ in this present life is as following:

In late 2009, we were loaned a DVD about him, which caused my wife Rosemary’s daughter in Sydney with her major back problems to phone Andrew in the UK for an enquiring chat which had an amusing outcome: he just ‘happened’ to answer the phone in between patients (which he apparently never does) and, short on time, gave her appointment to see him in 10 days time (as though she just lived locally), and then rang off!!

The family swiftly gathered up their ‘frequent flyer ‘points, and, with Rosemary in tow, the 2 of them duly walked into Andrew’s healing room at the appointed time 10 days later!!

Andrew gave then both healing sessions every day for the next fortnight wherein each sat on a stool with Andrew’s hands just above eg the lower back. They both reported intense heat for the duration and discovered, bye the bye, that this ‘heat’ cannot be measured/recorded on a conventional thermometer. Interesting!

Andrew in his healing ‘Sanctuary’ 2022 (Note the coloured energies around his head)
Isaac Tigrett with Andrew

On returning to Australia, I emailed thanks to Andrew for caring so well for them both, and a cyber-friendship grew from there that continues to this day – with Sai Baba as our common bond. We correspond fairly regularly – also sharing special times in each of our daily lives – and he generously will send ‘absent’ healing whenever needed to either of us or close family members (noting that distance/time is an illusion).

On his website (, he states:

“…there’s only one true medicine, compassion, there is only one true healer, and that is love.

He also says: “Eating the flesh of animals is a fertilizer for illness and disease”. 

“…Living one’s life in service to others is of paramount importance”.

Having had a very difficult childhood, with homelessness at times and contemplation of suicide, he declares that:

“…miracle healers suffer greatly in life so that they can better empathise with the hardships of others”. 

John Levine and ‘Alpha Music’

Our good friend John Levine came into our lives probably during the 1990’s via his contacting The Southern Cross Academy of Light when we first heard of his ‘Alpha Music’ and its therapeutic effects. Whilst one can learn a lot about him and experience& purchase his music via the Internet, what I wish to share here is the extraordinary way in which this all came about – which he intimately shared with a group of us in our living room many years after we’d first met.

Despite his parents wanting him to become a doctor,  he had studied music and  become a professional musician in his younger years – playing functions, concerts, jazz – whatever, including composing advertising jingles…and then something very interesting happened.

He recounts that another commercial musician asked him one day if he had heard of ‘Transcendental Meditation’ and recommended he check it out. John undertook a ‘course’ in such and suddenly found he was having spiritual experiences. To cut to the chase, he recounted further that he was sitting one day at a grand piano in a recording studio on his own when he allowed himself to go into a state of deep meditation.

With that, he says that ‘light energies’ entered him via his head/crown chakra, flowed down his arms into his fingers and started playing sounds that were definitely not of his making ie channeling.

These were subsequently recorded (initially on CD) as ‘The Silence of Peace’,’The Silence of Love’ etc series plus a series for/from Archangels. Due to the way these recordings started to affect those listening, monitoring and experimentation were conducted which showed that this music was slowing the listener’s brain wave frequencies from the normal waking state of ‘beta’ to ‘alpha’ where therapeutic benefits were being experienced.

My wife Rosemary always has ‘The Silence of Peace’ playing quietly in the background when doing her phone counselling sessions, and can attest to the effect.

The Impact of ‘Miracle’ Healings

From what little feedback I’ve heard, many who experience ‘miraculous’ healing often become more spiritual/religious from that point onwards – as they joyously recognize that something very special has been accorded to them. They may well change their whole lifestyle and attitude – becoming more in service lovingly to others and able to share their healing story to inspire others. Just like those who have been through a ‘near death experience’…

Hence, the impact goes beyond the point of the eg physical healing to uplift their consciousness and that of others – as such changed lives can inspire others.

Conventional Medical Practice

This is often termed ‘allopathic’ in distinction from eg Ayurvedic or homeopathy practice and has been used to denote ‘science-based/evidence-based/Western/biomedicine/ modern medicine’.

I read some years ago (can’t find the original reference: apologies- except brief quote following below) that at a convention held in (I believe) Copenhagen (?) in the early 1930’s(?), the convention decided that anything that could not be detected by a human/human-made device ie seen, heard, smelled, touched or tasted henceforth was to be regarded by ‘science’ as not existing – prior to which, the existence of paranormal/spiritual phenomena had been considered/accepted as possible .

To quote the Internet:

“…the Copenhagen interpretation … says nothing is real until it is observed or measured “.

This breathtakingly arrogant ,anthropomorphic declaration thereby instantly precludes the possibility  of  so-called ‘miraculous’ healings that thousands of humans on this planet can attest to having experienced many of whom have been to eg an Andrew McKellar.

I find it an astonishingly ignorant stance which does not allow for other planes of existence/consciousness – nor for the factual daily clairvoyance/clairsentience and clairaudience of my wife Rosemary with whom I have been in this life for nearly 30 years.

Let’s Celebrate Our Healthcare Practitioners

So rather than waste any more time with such absurdity, let’s celebrate the wonderful work that modern allopathic and alternative medical practice does achieve.

Take eg myself as an example:

I was born into this life of British parents and hence my skin is highly sensitive to the Australian sun, especially in Summer. We are blessed to have a wonderful local doctor who is also a skin specialist who can attend periodically to my many solar keratoses. I (and Rosemary) have had cataracts surgically removed from each eye by Sydney and local surgeons; I also have an eye condition called ‘pigmentary glaucoma’ which is controlled by daily eye drops preventing eye pressures from becoming hazardous.

When younger, I periodically had asthma for which I carry an inhaler which can relieve in seconds if needed.

Marvellous stuff!! I am SO grateful for access to all these practitioners and medications contributing to the quality of my life !!!

Diet and Lifestyle

‘Spirit’ had me become vegetarian in September 1985 (I was 40) (refer module’Food’), we treat food reverently – asking for a blessing at each mealtime and I only drink pure rainwater (lots!) , green tea and honey, and occasional fruit juice. I keep physically active here on the farm where we breathe the purest air. I keep myself well-covered when outside due that sensitive skin. We grow as much of our own organic fruit, nuts and vegetables as possible – including our prize-winning Elephant Garlic which we grow commercially.

Stepping Beyond the Realm of Conventional/ ‘Allopathic’ Medical Practice

So-called Alternative/Complementary Medicine


Whilst we periodically use homeopathically prepared ‘peppers’ in our biodynamic practices here on the farm, I personally have never needed to partake of any for my personal health.

However, I would like to note that, whilst in London in 1994, Rosemary and I came across a department  of the legendary Harrods store (on the lower ground floor) which was devoted to the sale of homeopathic preparations with a large banner backdrop that read in part:

‘By appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’ etc.

This was a reminder that, prior to the development of modern drugs/antibiotics, homeopathy was widely used by the public, and even following such modernities, the practice continues as tried and accepted.


Sometimes called muscle-testing, this is a most accurate way of checking the truth of something. I use the forefinger and thumb of the righthand interlocked like links in a chain with the little finger and thumb of my left hand. The question is posed and the strength/weakness of the hold reveals whether it is so or not: a strong unyielding hold means ‘Yes’ and the converse means ‘No’.

Others develop a protocol whereby their body from the waist up leans forward as ‘Yes’ and backwards as ‘No’. 

I witnessed a friend once in a supermarket asking his body what fruit and vegetables it needed at that very time and saw how occasionally it would lean forward to indicate what he should buy for dinner that night.

A dentist who was progressively replacing my toxic mercury-laden amalgam teeth fillings in the 1980’s discreetly used kinesiology to determine which alternative filling material was most compatible with my body ie I wasn’t meant to know how he was doing it, but accidentally ‘caught him’ out yet re-assured him I was 100% OK with the technique.

The ‘alternative’ doctor who had discovered the mercury in the late 1980’s had also used kinesiology in a clever but indisputable way: hearing of my symptoms, he walked behind me standing and slipped a ballpoint pen into my left hand from behind. He then told me to hold out my right arm horizontal and resist him pushing down. He did this 3 times, with my arm holding strong without the pen, but collapsing weakly when holding the pen.

Then he told me to look at the ‘pen’ in my hand: it was a mercury-filled thermometer.

“My friend, you have mercury poisoning from (at least) all your childhood amalgam fillings, so we need to get you promptly onto chelation therapy to cleanse your blood” (I also had 24D/245T weed killer in my blood which had been manifesting also as meibomian cysts/chalazions of the eyelids).

[PS The latter have returned during 2022/23 and need constant scrutiny to keep from re-occurrence- hence there may well still be traces of one/both in my body]

Chelation Therapy

Comprised regular attendance at a specialist clinic which ran an EDTA solution through the blood system until it was deemed the toxins were gone.

A friend of mine, the late Donald Ingram Smith, also had to undertake this cleansing around the same time as he had for decades, drunk tank –harvested rainwater at home totally unaware that he was progressively poisoning himself with lead-tainted water as, years ago, metal deck roofs were traditionally painted with ‘red lead’ paint as an anti-corrosive treatment: he got to the point that he was so disabled, he couldn’t stand up unaided. It was also around this time that it was discovered that cooking in aluminium saucepans was potentially toxic and could lead to Alzheimer’s Disease: the moment my mother heard that, she dumped all her pans into the garbage bin and went out to buy stainless steel pans.


I was born with my right shoulder much lower than my left: this was discovered when I was being fitted for my first ever suit. It didn’t bother me until my 20’s when, from certain activities (eg a 5 hour music job once a week standing playing a very heavy electric bass guitar)  I started to have pain from my sacroiliac joint pinching the sciatic nerve which plagued me for years.

This reached crisis level when I started at University in 1977 s a mature-age student with all the added stress of fulltime uni, marriage, a house, 2 children,2 cars, a mortgage, casual music work, long hours over a drawing board into the early hours of the morning etc etc…

Sessions of acupuncture were my saving grace in relieving the pain and allowing more correct posture to prevail and I must express my eternal gratitude to those practitioners and those over centuries who developed acupuncture to the ‘medical artform’ it is today.


My foray into the world of chiropractic to help rectify the pinched sciatic nerve started not so promisingly with an American practitioner who, in the late 1980’s, would give me a high speed adjustment, told me (and others) to come weekly/fortnightly for such and who had me get the heels of all my left shoes raised by several millimetres with the intent of correcting my asymmetric posture…(I went on later to find other practitioners who I would periodically go to for postural correction who I was far more comfortable with).

After I had been doing all this for a while, a friend quietly challenged me one evening at a gathering whether I wanted to spend the rest of my life like that – and suggested I investigate ‘The Alexander Technique’.

Alexander Technique

My first teacher was Jeremy Chance who was living in a flat in Kings Cross in the late 1980’s. He used his living room to teach which also had a full length mirror: why do I remember that? Because during about the 3rd time I went to him, he had me at one point stand looking into it and while he talked me, yet again, through feeling the head rising free, the shoulders relaxing and chest expanding, neck free, neck free  etc etc, I saw my body suddenly become symmetrical of its own accord – with the right shoulder rising up to be level with the left! Exhilirating! Needless to say, the raised shoe heels got promptly removed as my body got used to symmetrical balance…  (Worth checking out Jeremy on the Internet: very inspirational!)

[Another time a similiar thing happened: as a double bass player, I had acquired a stool to rest my backside on during long jobs. One night, the piano player counted us in 1,2,3,4 and as, I went to play the first note, my body took over and rose to a standing position of its own accord: that’s how powerful The Alexander Technique postural re-education is.]

Whilst you can read all about this marvelous Technique on the Internet and how it evolved, I pay tribute not only to Jeremy, but also (at least) Marjorie Barstow, Bill Brenner, and Alex Nicholson (I went to the latter regularly for many years trying to relieve a numbness that persists to this day in the pads of both feet: as Alex finished each session with half hour lying supine on his massage table, I would then experience full sensation in those footpads for about half hour afterwards before the numbness returned. I sense that it is due to becoming round-shouldered from 20 years sitting at a computer at my day job 1997-2017 and a nerve being pinched – thus cutting off full sensory perception in the feet).

Pranic Healing

Rosemary and I both learned this from a very powerful practitioner Kim Fraser with whom we’d had a close association in the earlier days of The Southern Cross Academy of Light. In the early 2000’s (I think), the Academy was opening branches both throughout the Sydney Metropolitan area and beyond.

I flew to the Gold Coast (Queensland) with my gongs for the opening ceremony of a new branch there and was invited to stay with the couple who were to lead this branch. They were going to erect a large open – sided tent in their back yard and the husband decided to make some extra tent pegs out of steel rod lengths which, blacksmith-style, he super heated to let him bend the ends over. That complete, I saw him carrying some to drop at key positions and, without thinking, grabbed some to follow him …and screamed in pain, as one of them, burnt deep into the palm of my left hand ( I discovered later that he had been carrying the others by their unheated albeit quite warm ends, and didn’t think to warn me).

He drove me swiftly to Tugun Hospital where the Emergency staff plunged the hand into iced water. As we drove, I had the presence of mind to ring Kim Fraser telling her what had happened and that I needed urgent help. Kim said she’d instantly get onto it.

After some hours, the hand was removed from the iced water, bandaged, and I was discharged with the stern warning to go straight to a chemist and get the strongest available painkiller tablets – saying that I would be in extreme pain that night…

I returned to my hosts and the evening ceremony proceded with me playing the gongs with just my right hand ! Had never had to do that before! I slept well and the next day, flew back to Sydney…

The key point to this story is that, from the time the hand was submerged into the icy water at the hospital onwards, I NEVER HAD ONE IOTA OF PAIN ! I obviously rang Kim the morning after the ‘event’ and told her how I was pain free and didn’t have to take any painkillers.

And then she revealed what she and others had done.

The moment she’d gotten off the phone with me, she had rung around her ‘inner circle’ of pranic healers and asked them all to focus powerful pranic healing on me: she personally spent a totally-focussed 45 minutes sending my hand ice blue prana at least – which is the specifically-coloured prana to ease pain.

I remain indebted to her and the others to this day for their loving service.

As the weeks went by, I had the dressing changed regularly by a local doctor in Sydney who finally declared after 6 weeks that it had been a 3rd degree burn due to the depth of it ( and probably who was privately baffled that I’d never had any pain).

Despite the severity of the injury, it left absolutely no scar.

Testimony indeed to the healing power of the body’s immune system…and to that of the focused love and power of a group of pranic healers.

[Post Script: Kim then went through a major spiritual awakening in subsequent years (incidentally as forecast by Rosemary) and assumed a new name: Shakti Durga].

[Karmic Significance: In retrospect, I have no doubt that this incident was karmic – that, probably, I may well have cruelly burnt another’s hand in a previous incarnation and therefore had to experience the same in this life – probably due to my continuing spiritual commitment to move as swiftly as possible to full self-realisation and hence the need to complete/resolve any unfinished karma ASAP].

Techniques/methods/practices that I use

I would now like to share some of the techniques/methods/practices that I use periodically and/or that I’ve witnessed/had contact with:

Clearing One’s Energy Fields

On occasions when I’ve been in a public place/with others eg a shopping mall/supermarket, I might suddenly feel exhausted for no immediately-apparent logical reason. I’ve learned from experience that this may well mean that an entity/energies from someone else have attached to my energy fields/’piggybacked’ if you like.

It’s nothing to worry about and is very simply handled. (It’s just like moths being attracted to candle/lamplight: as a being of Light, other entities craving that Light may be attracted to you…).

I simply find a completely private space eg a toilet/bathroom wherein I firstly call on all my spirit guides, guardian angels and teachers to be present along with Lord Jesus, Holy Mother Mary and Master Saint Germain.

I ask them to encapsulate me with their combined energies whilst I start to ‘drag’ off myself with my hands/arms any discordant/disharmonious energies as though it were sticky gum adhering to my energy field and, wiping my arms upwards, I intentionally cast all upwards – invoking out loud for Lord Jesus & Holy Mother Mary to take such ‘to the Light’ as I refuse to have it within my energy field – culminating with 3 firm claps of the upraised hands followed by vigorous shaking of the hands.

I then visualize myself fully encapsulated egg-like in fluffy pink light (like fairy floss at a fun fair) and call on Master Saint Germain to encapsulate that again with violet light.

I then assume the prayer pose standing and give heartfelt thanks to all who have assisted with this clearing. I always find that my normal energy levels are thence restored.

If you are finding this a little difficult to come to terms with, I once again briefly recount an experience shared with me by a lady who was told by Spirit to gift me a car in USA in 1996. (For the whole remarkable story see module : ‘1996-A Seminal Year).

She rented a house on small barren acreage west of Morrison Colorado owned by a man who loved that house/land with a passion. One day, he flew his plane into the Rockies and was killed on impact. 

She almost immediately started to feel exhausted and continued so for days until her clairvoyant assistant informed her that his spirit was within her energy field: hence, she was carrying both herself and him in her one body. She did various things to persuade him to leave including going to his physical grave in the grave yard on a hill not far from where she lived, pointing at the grave and telling him that he had died…and this is where his physical remains were interred…After some days, his spirit finally went to the Light and she was able to resume normal life. It also highlighted how important it is to prepare for one’s death/crossing over so that one may go directly to the Light and not ‘get stuck’ in the astral plane/someone else’s energy field…

Vocal Toning

I work with both vocal and exotic instrumental sound for the purpose of both therapeutic and consciousness-expanding benefits.

Whilst now in February 2023, I am still mainly playing the giant gongs (which journey started hands-on in 2000,but actually in 1994), I still utilise vocal toning primarily as a healing method.

For example, my wife Rosemary has 2 torn tendons, bursitis and osteoarthritis in her right shoulder from dragging long heavy hoses around our expansive gardens during the 2019 drought in Eastern Australia.

She can periodically suffer a lot of pain, and was scheduled for full shoulder reconstruction a few weeks from now but suddenly postponed surgery – deciding to see how she copes for the immediate future.

As part of her pain management, she sometimes has me vocally tone the affected area 

To do this, I close my eyes and , standing by her sitting, invoke Sathya Sai Baba, Archangel Raphael (who gave me His/Her healing invocation song in sleep in the mid 1990’s), Master Saint Germain, the Angel of Sacred Sound, white healing angels, spirit doctors and our own circles of spirit guides, guardian angels and teachers.

I then ask out loud that I be a clear conduit for pure frequencies that will be, right then and there, for the highest benefit of her shoulder and pain at that moment.

Without hesitating, I bend over and cup my hands around my open mouth just over her right shoulder and allow whatever high frequency, sustained  vocal toning to come forth. The key to this is that there must be no thinking: just pure action uncontaminated by thought/motive/emotion.

Breath after breath, the same sustained frequency issues forth until it just naturally ceases.

I then stand erect and offer up thanks to all who have contributed their energies.

Whilst she periodically has painful days – always due always to her accidentally aggravating the injury – she otherwise finds this sound therapy and its loving intent generally effective in managing the condition to a tolerable level.

Toning Circles

In the early 1990’s, a come-and-go group of us used to sit together in a circle one night a week in Crows Nest in Sydney (church /church hall) and vocally tone together. It used to start about 8pm with continuous vocal toning and finish of its own accord about 9:15pm. Where we all went during that time, who knows…

I personally had remarkable other -worldly experiences with elevated consciousness and singing/toning/vocal harmonics/overtone chanting issuing forth from the ethers via our vocal chords… It was immensely powerful. I would often see a pulsating, exquisite blue crystal in my ‘third eye’ after toning intensely for a long time – it would expand and contract, and would instantly disappear if I allowed any thinking/mental reaction ie I had to just allow this Divine experience ‘be’ with a totally silent mind. Very special sacred times for me!

One evening, a thunderstorm broke overhead whilst we were all in a deep state toning/profound meditation in the former Uniting Church Hall in Holtermann Street Crows Nest. Suddenly, the building was hit by lightning and the vivid blue electric current flashed along the exposed steel trusses within the roof space overhead simultaneously with the immense explosion of the lighting bolt…

One of the ladies (Kristina) was literally ’struck dumb’ and could not utter a sound for quite a long time afterwards as she shakily slowly recovered from the energy blast…as she had been so vulnerable at the time.

Another night, a man entered and lay down next to us when there were 13 of us toning in a seated circle on the carpet in the centre of the open plan United Church in Crows Nest (‘incidentally’ exactly where Rosemary and I exchanged marriage vows a few years later ): he lay there silently, for the duration, then left without a word at the end.

The following week, I was walking through lunchtime crowds in North Sydney when that same man suddenly appeared and hugged me saying excitedly about what had happened to him at the toning circle. He said that he’d had a digestive disorder with continuous diarrhea for 12 years that the doctors could not cure but that the morning after the toning circle, he’d had a normal bowel motion for the first time in 12 years and continued to do so. He was glowing with joie-de-vivre and skipped away into the crowds… I’ve never seen him again.

There were two other occasions when ‘healing’ occurred during our toning sessions: one was a lady who had been plagued by severe headaches for years – one such headache vanished and they never returned from what we heard. 

The other was a lady with excruciating backache that she’d had for some time: reportedly, it climaxed during the session, then was no more…

And clairvoyants have seen Sai Baba present etherically on at least two occasions that I can recall when a group of us were standing in a circle toning together: on each occasion, He was seen beaming, holding up His hands and slowly turning around – obviously very pleased with what we were doing…

Sanatana Sai Sanjeevani Healing

This is a system of spiritual healing focused on awakening the body’s natural immune system.

It was gifted to humanity via Sathya Sai Baba and is practiced widely especially in India. Virtually every one of the hospitals that He initiated includes these words in the title of the hospital – with the possible exception of the Super Speciality Hospital at Puttaparthi in India – which was the first of such hospitals and which apparently practices this Sanjeevani system along side standard allopathic medical procedures. I have practiced the preparation ofs Sanjeevanis for both others and myself for some years now, and, aware that the reader can learn more about the details of the practice from the Internet, shall confine my comments here to a very brief outline.

One needs to access the guide textbook either in hard copy or online which explains in full what it is all about and how to practice it. I have a hard copy that I bought in the 1990’s which has 2 ‘working sections’: ’Body Part’ and ‘Disease/Ailment’. It guides you through the preparation of eg sugar pillules charged with prayer, which are then either consumed directly or ‘broadcast’ to the affected person.

I feel that hard copy is preferable as you place a small container eg small glass bottle on ‘Body Parts’ – step by step – and then likewise’ Disease/Ailment’ – step by step , meanwhile praying fervently/intensely at each step for at least 15 seconds. For example, I choose to intone what is said to contain all mantras :’ The Gayatri Mantra’- thereby progressively empowering the Sanjeevani preparation.


I first read about ‘tonglen’ in the early 1990’s in Sogyal Rinpoche’s splendid book ‘The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying’. He was visiting Sydney giving lectures and retreats (Rosemary attended one at that time in the country, and I heard Sogyal give a talk in Sydney).

Possibly due to one or more incarnations in Tibet as a monk, I was instantly drawn to read all about it and to start practicing it. ‘Tonglen’ means ‘giving and receiving’ in Tibetan which neatly encapsulates the spirit and intent of this service to others/oneself.

Whilst one can read in detail in Sogyal’s book the fascinating history of how the practice originated and developed, I shall confine myself here to how I apply it in daily life, whilst strongly commending all to read the book.


For quite a long time now (early 2023), my wife Rosemary has been suffering pain to varying levels of intensity in her right shoulder from 2 torn tendons, and attendant bursitits and osteoarthritis. She has recently postponed full surgical re-construction – opting instead to live carefully with the condition using a balance of conventional allopathic pain relief (analgesics and ointments) and non-conventional methods eg my vocal toning, and my practice of ‘tonglen’ – which is my own guided methodology but still in the same spirit as Sogyal’s description…

Whilst I have explained the vocal toning above, I mostly use tonglen as we are going to sleep each night.

Once we are both in bed and the lights are turned out, I silently call on the Masters, and the Lords & Ladies, of Tonglen practice to be present, and I affirm that I am stepping forward as one coming from the lineage of those practicing tonglen.

  1. I then consciously breathe in all pain & discomfort/disharmonious & discordant vibrational frequencies from her shoulder as hot, black, sooty/grimy smoke
  2. I silently affirm that I internally transmute all such energies in my Bodhicitta heart, and
  3. Breathe these transmuted energies back into Rosemary’s shoulder as cool, blazing, golden, blue, white, violet Light.
  4. I then repeat this cycle over and over until I sense enough/I fall asleep (usually the latter happens first- but what a wonderful way to fall asleep!!).

This can be practised anywhere/anytime without anyone else being aware what is happening… since there is no time/distance (such is illusory), you can send it anywhere eg to someone/a situation across the globe…

The key being that it is the act of a compassionate (not pitying!) heart focused on being of loving service to others.

Sogyal also shares what he calls ‘The Holy Secret’ which ,in short, re-assures the reader that, whilst some may feel alarm/fear of breathing in such energies from others, the ‘worst’ that can happen in this practice is the progressive disintegration of the ego/self-centeredness and the ever-expanding growth of compassion… and cites the wonderful example of Mother Theresa… inspiration indeed!


In the Forward to his book ‘The Roar of Silence’, music therapist and founder of The Mozart Effect, Don Campbell tells of being a gifted musician and teacher who, dissatisfied and frustrated mid- life, was suddenly diagnosed with a degenerative bone condition plus a suspicious spot on his lungs.

He recalls that he grew increasingly angry and frustrated at this situation and was sitting at his desk one New Year’s Eve (probably with lots of celebratory noise going on outside) when it all climaxed in him. 

He climbed up onto the desk and started thumping on the ceiling with his fists, stamping on the desk, screaming, crying, shouting, sweating, tearful as the fears and frustrations welled up in him. He says that he has no idea how long it all went for, but once it was done and subsided, he flopped exhausted into a lounge chair and probably slept.

He recalls that for the next few days, he was like raw, burnt flesh, and listened to ‘St John’s Passion’ by Bach and classical Indian music.

He then went back to the medical specialist(s) who could no longer find any trace of either pre-existing condition…

For some of you reading this, Don’s experience could be potentially one of the most important pieces of information  you’ve ever heard of because it demonstrates the potential power of self-clearing of ‘negative’ thoughtforms and self-healing…

It’s a story that I told at every ‘Sacred Sound’ workshop I facilitated in the 1990’s.

Around 2008 or so, Rosemary had an old friend bring her senior police officer boyfriend (later husband) to her for healing at our home in Sydney where she did regular sessions. After the session, they both came into our loungeroom where I met him and was told of his situation (which was very unusual, as most clients would not do so).

He openly shared frustrations and bitterness (obviously without any names/details) of worklife situations and I was allowed to know that he was also a sick man, though I don’t believe I was told of his actual ailment…

I shared the Don Campbell story and offered for him to visit our property in the country where we have 50 very acoustically-private acres of dense bushland. My offer was that he go into that bush, establish a sacred circle, and initiate a release session like Don Campbell had spontaneously undergone for as long as necessary to cleanse himself of those possibly destructive thoughtforms that he so openly carried…and know that his partner and we would be up at the house waiting to care for him afterwards…

He probably said he’d think about it and left. 

His partner contacted us some time later saying something like “…he considered it his right to hold onto those frustrations, anger and bitternesses”, and that was that…or was it?

Last year (2022 ie 14 years later), I suddenly remembered the situation and went on Google to look him up.

Sure enough there was lots about him as a very senior, proud police officer, and that he had died… I scrolled down, and sure enough, there was the cause of death:

Oesophageal cancer.

Which sadly did not surprise me at all as I felt very certain that it had wholly/largely been triggered by holding those worklife frustrations, anger and bitternesses in the region of his throat/chest – continually suppressing the vocalizing of them… but that was his choice…

And we’ve known of at least two other very similar cases where the individuals concerned ‘bottled up’  anger/frustrations/bitterness … and ended up with cancer in the throat/mouth.

Both dealt with this challenge in their own ways (both medically & otherwise) and are alive & well today.

And those experiences and how each dealt with them must have illumined their lives forever…but that remains private with each of them.

The Power of Thoughtforms

Thoughtforms can exist both for an individual and for a group eg a nation, whereby children growing up are constantly influenced that their country & its culture is superior to any other country. Fundamentally, it’s tribal conditioning that can occur with eg a street gang, a school, a football team & followers, company employees, an army, a nation etc etc.

And most go through life either totally unaware that it is sos, or accept that whatever the thoughtform is, is correct and acceptable…

It’s simply ‘entrainment’ which I have covered elsewhere in more than one module – whereby a stronger frequency ‘entrains’ other weaker frequencies (it’s also called ‘sympathetic resonance’).

And it can occur very subtly…

I heard a report years ago about a lady in her 80’s who emigrated to live in Melbourne Australia from one of the former Russian states eg ? Georgia? And having been here for a while, complained that she had stopped menstruating as, back in her birth country, women remained fertile well into their 80’s… whereas here in Australia, there is a firm belief that all women will go through menopause in their early 50’s…

And the same phenomenon occurs somewhat with the belief that one’s hair will inevitably turn silver/grey as aging progresses –which may be part biological/part belief…

There is also the old saying:” Be careful what you wish for, as it may well manifest”: and examples/stories one hears about this occurring, reinforces the element of truth in this…

The relevance of all this for the individual is that long-held/strongly-held beliefs/thoughtforms may well produce undesirable outcomes of major health challenges whereas the ‘power of positive thinking’ may well eventuate as desirable/propitious outcomes…

Should you have a major health crisis, you may well like to try what Don Campbell did spontaneously – to see whether such can clear for once and for all any thoughtforms/beliefs that might be manifesting as physically/emotionally/mentally undesirable conditions…

‘Psychic Vomiting’

If you are in such a situation and are truly desperate (as Don Campbell obviously was), you may care (if it feels right in your heart) to find an acoustically-private space where noone will disturb you, and establish a sacred circle by calling on your entire team of Spirit guides, angels and teachers to surround & protect  you and to remain present for the full duration. Make sure you have pure drinking water & pillow with you adjacent, and that you have friends nearby to come for you later if/as necessary.

Stand in the centre, close your eyes, and start to bring to mind all that you are angry about/bitternesses/frustrations and start to allow your bottled-up emotions to give vent , without trying to manage/control what eventuates – which obviously could include crying, screaming, stamping feet/fists on the ground, sweating etc etc – and allow it to run its full course.

My ‘team’ once guided me to call this ‘Psychic Vomiting’ and, like any bout of vomiting, it must naturally run its course.

Once fully complete,sit/lie on the ground still in your sacred circle, drink water if wanted, and REST for as long as you need – maybe with a pillow under your head.

Once fully recovered, stand/sit up and fervently give thanks to all your Spiritual team for their presence and for protecting you, and physically close your energy field – imagining yourself cocooned entirely in fluffy pink light (like fairy floss) encased in the intense violet light of Master St Germaine.

Then quietly return to your friends to assure them you are OK and rest/sleep as much as needed, drinking lots of pure water when able.

First Nation Healing Techniques

I’d now like to share a paper given to us by Robbie Holz (USA) ( ( in 2008/9 when she visited Australia and stayed with Rosemary and I. This was probably intended for publishing in ‘Shining BRIGHT’ the hard copy magazine of The Southern Cross Academy of Light (which we were instrumental in forming with others in 1996).

[One can note the emphasis that this methodology places on the shifting/dissolving of undesirable thoughtforms .]

She writes that her husband Dr Gary Holz, a well-known physicist, was diagnosed with chronic progressive Multiple Sclerosis in 1994 and told that he had maybe 2 years to live. On the  recommendation of a naturopathic physician, he flew to Australia in 1994 as a quadriplegic (ie in a wheelchair) and gained permission to stay with some First Nations peoples near Uluru in Central Australia who had never seen white people before.

Through them, he reprogrammed his mind and body such that he gradually recovered feeling in his body and the ability to clumsily walk on his return trip to USA only 2 weeks later.

[Gary and Robbie published the fuller account of Gary’s experience in the book: ’Secrets of Aboriginal Healing-A Physicist’s Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe’- readily available for purchase online; I have respectfully used the modern term of ‘First Nation People’ instead of the former ‘Aboriginal People] .

As directed by “The Big Guy” (God/Divine Force) as they said, these First Nations people told Dr Holz that he was a gifted healer and had been chosen to bring these First Nation healing secrets to the Western world.

“…Foundational to their healing techniques is the belief that the mind plus empowerment from “The Big Guy” can do anything. Our mind, body, spirit are interconnected. To heal your physical body, you must also address the needs and imbalances of your mind and spirit. Your physical body is a direct manifestation of the thoughts and emotions of your mind. Transformation (therefore) happens from the inside out.

‘Negative-based’ emotions (eg anxiety, fear, guilt, depression) create unhealthy ‘lazy’ cells which, if (left) unbalanced or unreleased can overwhelm your system and become toxic to the body. These pent-up ‘toxins’ settle into weakened areas of the body and block the free flow of energy which can then lead to disease.”

These First Nations people contend that emotions are to be experienced, felt and released – say through laughter, meditation, walking, music, exercise etc. Negative-based thoughts can also become balanced and replaced by consciously focusing thoughts and emotions in positive-based directions.

In short, these people revealed to Gary five essential steps fundamental to a successful healing journey:

  • Willingness to change any unhealthy, sabotaging mindset and behaviour.
  • Awareness of the beliefs or thought patterns/thoughtforms that may be creating internal struggle and hence the core issues of the disease. Full awareness of such may possibly instantly reprogram your body to react differently, plus permit the gaining of gratitude for this challenge.
  • Acceptance that it is what it is and is deliberately for your soul’s unique journey.
  • Empowerment is recognizing that the ability to heal lies within you. Allowing greater levels of the energy of love from ‘The Big Guy’ can generate powerful healing beyond normal human capability.
  • Focus on seeing and feeling yourself well. Your powerful mind is constantly crating with your thoughts and emotions. Focusing on pain or cancer can just create more pain and cancer. So what are you creating daily in your mind?

I deliberately positioned this summary of Robbie’s paper immediately after talking about ‘Thoughtforms

in order to further illustrate that these techniques – centered on changing the way we think and feel – have been practiced from time immemorial by (probably) the oldest continuous culture on Earth….

Healing from Other Realms

In February 2023, I was awoken from deep sleep to hear myself praying fervently to Sai Baba for healing to the main thumb joints on each hand (ie where the thumb joins the hand) which had been paining me (?arthritically?) for a very long time, and passionately requesting forgiveness to anyone that I may ever have hurt with my hands (ie in any incarnation) plus probably forgiving myself…I think I fell briefly back to sleep, but on awaking, I joyously discovered that the pain was gone.

Needless to say, I went straight before Sai Baba’s dedicated chair, kneeled before it and fervently thanked Him for this Divine grace.

Extraterrestrial ‘Psychic’ Surgery

I’d like to share a remarkable experience that occurred for me in October 2023:

In sleep one night, a light being (who I remember nothing about) inserted an orange beam of light energy about the size and dimensions of a pencil via the corner of each eye right into my brain (I assume). It was totally painless, and I awoke with full recall of what had happened. It occurred at a time that I had been praying intensively for healing of a disfiguring facial skin condition medically called ‘actinic keratosis’( which the medical profession say is the result of years of sun/being outside coupled with the fair skin I had from my British parents ). I also have a recurring condition in the left eye causing it to swell and become sore & red that perhaps the psychic surgery was mainly directed to.

(Whilst this is a logical allopathic medical explanation, I sense that I may well have caused similar injury to other(s) in past lives and hence karmically had to experience the same in return: I hence fervently prayed to any such persons for their forgiveness – apologizing for what I may have done and seeking their forgiveness whilst simultaneously forgiving myself for having done such). 

Pink beams of light occurring whilst Reiki Master Fay Wenke at work.

At that time, I had also been receiving absent (mostly) healing from a couple of people including a lady friend of ours who had recently been connected to her shamanic healing abilities via specific plants, and also Andrew McKellar, my friend the renowned spiritual healer from the UK.

When I shared (by WhatsApp) what had occurred to me with the orange beams of light with Andrew, he replied that he also had once witnessed exactly the same phenomenon whereby a green ‘wand’ (as he called it) had been used by extra-terrestrial beings to open up a lady’s forehead and remove a tumour.

The shamanic lady had also guided me to call on the healing love of a very large Spathiphylum plant in our guest bathroom, which I continue to do – holding its large leaves against my face whilst talking lovingly to it, thanking it for its healing energies.

Additionally, I regularly take Sanatana Sai Sanjeevani preparations that I made up meanwhile praying to Sai Baba for maximum healing potency. Plus my wife has me moisturising my facial skin with a Jurlique ‘Rare Rose’cream (all Jurlique products are produced from biodynamically-grown plants) .

I can report that the combined effect of all this is that the skin and its supportive tissue are slowly healing for which I am very grateful.

Archangel Raphael

In the mid 1990’s, I was given in sleep one night a stirring melody like a victory March. When I sang/hummed it to a couple of mediums who visited me shortly after, they both said they felt it was from/for Archangel Michael. I was very surprised, but went on to add some lyrics which start:” Victory! Victory! Victory! The Light has won! The Light has won! The Light has won! etc”. I then shared with a musician friend what had occurred when we went out to dinner one evening (and thence to a memorable talk at the Theosophical Society by scientist Dr Masuru Emoto about the power of human intent on water). I remember saying to my friend:”I wonder if I’ll receive any more Archangelic melodies”.

That night,in sleep, Archangel Raphael did exactly that – conveying to me and imprinting on my brain – a beautiful unique melody that I awoke singing and that I sometimes sing to this day when invoking healing for others. And then a joyous one later came (I feel from Archangel Gabriel) that is not unlike a joyous Calypso melody.

Assistance from the world of Spirit

Around the early 2000’s, an interesting phenomenon started to occur whereby I would be looking compassionately at someone unwell and a medical term would immediately come into mind – of which I mostly/always had no idea what it meant. For example, one afternoon Rosemary and I were visiting her mother who spoke about a pain in her neck area: when I focussed on that area, I suddenly had the words’ vagus nerve‘ on my lips. I/we did some hands-on healing to ease the discomfort – and then later, I had to look up what the term ‘vagus nerve‘ was and discovered it is:

“…the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system,which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions…”

and,sure enough,it passes via the neck behind the ear(s).

A retired nurse friend recommended I obtain a textbook on anatomy etc as a reference but I felt no need to do so at that time. It didn’t happen a lot, but I always marvelled when,yet again, I was ‘given’ another medical term…so where was it coming from ? Archangel Raphael perhaps? But then another possibility emerged a few years later when a group of us had several massage tables set up in the living room here at Jacaranda Haven and were offering healing to several people.

As I worked intuitively around one such ‘patient’- just allowing my hands and focus to be guided- the name ‘Dr Jablonski’ came into mind so strongly that I called out that name to the room, asking if anyone knew of it. No response. I then came to learn/understand subsequently that he was a ‘spirit doctor’ working from ‘the other side’ to assist me ie he was a Polish doctor in his last earthly incarnation who now was guiding me from the ‘Spirit’ realms. A recent understanding/dowsing suggests I was he in my last incarnation and died of natural causes in Poland in the 1920’s ( I then was born into this present incarnation in 1945). This is a phenomenon that Gordon Lindsay explores in more detail in his excellent book ‘The Occult Diaries of R.Ogilvie Crombie’ (highly recommended reading!) whereby somehow the soul sometimes/always(?) divides with part remaining in Spirit and part coming into incarnation.

And then,there was yet a further revelation just the other evening (early April 2024) whilst Rosemary and I were having dinner.

Whilst I was cooking our dinner, my mind was suddenly and illogically flooded with memories of a family who lived down the road from us when I was young, how Dad used to update us about the  business problems faced by them,and about their next door neighbour Sir Edward Hallstrom who had a private zoo around his house on the shore of Middle Harbour at Northbridge (Sydney).

I started telling Rosemary about this over dinner when she stopped me, saying (whilst clairvoyantly seeing plus clairaudiently hearing):

” Your father is here”…”and he wants you to know that he is assisting you in becoming more effective in healing ” . he then described him as being not of particularly tall stature (correct) and dressed in a suit (which he mostly did for business)[Photos of him can be seen in the separate module ‘1945 -1990’s’] .

Needless to say,I was deeply touched and am so grateful to my father – who incidentally died in March 1973 ie 51 earth years ago.
